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   Ben Folds Five Hey. Thanks for visiting my page, devoted to this Chapel Hill, piano-based, trio, Ben Folds Five. Yep, Ben Folds Five are a trio with Ben Folds on piano, Darren Jessee on drums, and Robert Sledge on bass. In my eyes, they are one of the best bands today. What makes them so signifigant compared to all the others? They know how to put a twist and a unique sound to their music by eliminating the "ordinary" guitar and substituting it with a baby grand piano. Ben Folds Five can capture every feeling in their music. They captivate you with their catchy tunes and then you won't part with their albums for anything.

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Underground: The Ben Folds Five Webring, has no affiliation with any members of Ben Folds Five, their record company, or associates.

Benscape!............... This page is made and maintained by Jessica Franca Copyright © 98

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Last updated: 3/21/99