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Dino's Herp Homepage

Greetings,and welcome to my humble space on the ever vast www. I thought I'd utilize this space to offer some info on my herps,myself,and some really good links.

I'd like to start by listing my current collection......

I currently keep 1.1 Guyanan Red Tail Boas,1.1 Dumeril Boas,1.1 Columbian Boas,1.1 Diamond X Carpet Pythons,1.2 Ball Pythons,2.2 Corn snakes,1.1 Hognose snakes,1.0 Veiled Chams,1.1 Kenyan Sand Boas,2.3 Adult Green Iguanas,0.1 Spiny Tailed Iguana,& a BUNCH of Green Iguana Hatchlings.

Herps in the past I have kept........

Bull Snakes,various Garter snakes,Rubber Boas,Black Racers,Yellow Bellied Racers,Yellow Rat snakes,Coral snakes,Pygmy Rattlers,DiamondBack Rattlers,Scarlet Kings,Ringnecks,Green snakes,Pacific Tree Frogs,Western Toads,Barking Tree Frogs,Cuban Tree Frogs,Leapord Frogs,Spadefoot Toads,Cricket Frogs,Pig Frogs,Red Eared Turt's,Mud Turt's,Box Turt's,Leapord lizards,Collard lizards,Horned lizards,Anoles(Green,Brown,&Cuban),Various Skinks&Glass lizards.....but I'm certain I've left out a few.

Very Green juvinile Iguanas available........these are hand reared,captive born beauties in top health........only a few left........give one of these kids a great home.......don't miss out!!! ........Email for details

Some history on me........

I was born in a small town in the state of NY.Was relocated to Reno,Nevada at around the age of 5,where I was to remain(save for a 2 year hiatus to New Mexico)until I reached 16.At the age of 17 I was again relocated to a new state,this time Florida,where I still currently reside,and have been for roughly 10 years now.I am a happily married individual,who is very in love with his wife and two kids.

I have been interested in the keeping of R&A's since I was knee high.It all started with local fauna,and it was many years before I found any real interest in imported animals.Nowadays,my collection primarily consists of non native(to the USA)animals,not to say I have lost interest in native fauna,but I no longer collect wild animals.This is mainly due to my belief that there are too many captive bred animals available in the market,and too many other collectors out there exploiting the natives.I have successfully bred a few herps,and in the last year have acquired my sellers permit from the G&FC here in FL. I am hopeful to have some success in the buisness end of this field,or at least some income to compensate a bit for the expenses put forth in keeping my herps.

I am a NRAAC member!

My Herp Pics
My Green Iguana Care Sheet
My Mite eradication method
Nursery Pics

The best herp links out there.....

Jeff Barringer has created the ultimate herp site
Jen Swofford's excellent site
A great herp resource
Links a plenty
More herp related links
