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Swimmin With The BSB!
Swimmin' With The Backstreet Boys!

May 26th:

Mkay, so I'm not dead, though I seemed to have spaced a few things out... Millennium is out, and it's already setting records. Tomorrow I will have an article and some stats on that posted up under ther NEWS section. I got the page's cute little animated banner made, and I am submitting it to the BSB Link Exchange, maybe that'll generate some more traffic. As far as the GTG links, they still confuze me, but I will work on them tonight if at all possible. I'm also gonna spruce up the over-all look of the page with buttons and such. This place is called the BACKSTREET BOWL, and frankly there's nothing swimmy or watery or poolish about this place... so I will work on that soon. But I have not forgotten the pictures!! It just takes Fortune City so long to upload me, so once again *sigh* you all will just have to wait on them. I have at least 20 pictures of each guy, not to mention 40 group pics, a new section that has like 10-20 pics called Special Appearances, and then the Millennium cd booklet pictures that I have snagged from Caitlin's site, Backstreet.Net for the time being cuz my scanner is broken. We also have a fast URL. It's It'll make life easier. Uhm... I'm also gonna finish some sections once-and-for-all... like the Meet the Family section that I always *mean* to do, but don't. With summer almost here I hope to have more time, and this weekend I am planning to do an overhaul because I have no plans... yet. lol Uhm, my new story will take some time to post because I am 13 chapters deep currently and uploading all that text and formatting it all is a pain in the patoot. :oP lol. Okie, that's it. Check for all the real updates sometime later this week, and hopefully I will get it all done this time around!!! *hugs*

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The Heart And Soul Of Nick Carter

Maybe you want to pick up a Backstreet Boys CD?? - Backstreet Boys Listings

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The Backstreet Bulletin
AHA! The News Section!! Look Above For Updates, but If you want the Backstreet dish, you gotta look here!!

The Millennium Begins May 18th....
Click here to find out all about the new BSB Cd, Millennium, as well as more about the *NEW* single, "I Want It That Way"!

Swimmin' With Some Links!
This is the place to see some of my fave links!! Submit your link and I will post it!

Banners N Stuff
This is the page where all my various BSB animations and banners are going, be sure to peek on in, I've added some new stuff!

Funny BSB Jokes and Other Junk!!

*More To Be Added Soon*

Backstreet Stories
Yo! It's my story page!! If you like BSB FanFiction then click here! It's not overly explicit, but then again it's not underly so either! My two BSB Stories (One of them is still in progress) are up here!

Backstreet Birthday Wishes!
A little page I made in honor of the latest Backstreet Boy birthdays, you can even leave the boys special b-day messages!! Who knows, they might even read it!!

AH! Guys! I could use a lil help!! :o) Click on in and see!!! There could be something for you in it if you help me out!

The Backstreet Bio's!
Fairly self-explanitory, bio pages on the boys! I've updated them a bit too!!

A Bowlful Of Pics!!!
Click on in here to see some eye candy of da cuties!!! Nick, Howie, Kevin, Brian, and A.J.!!!! :o)
This section is down.

Vote for the scariest item of BSB Merchandise!
Okay, the old booth is gone, the subject is just frankly dead. The new booth is up! Woohoo! Okay, now some of the stuff they were passing off a BSB Merchandise was just WIERD! They have since pulled some of it, but I'd like to hear what you guys think is the wierdest/scariest!!

Send a BSB Online Greeting Card!
Send your best friend (or yourself) an online greeting card with the BSB on it!! It's TOTALY *FREE* and user friendly!! You can use pics right from my site, or choose your own!! Click on in!!

A BSB Quiz and Poll!!!!
Here's the place where you can state your opinions and prove your BSB knowledge!!! Have fun!!!

Meet My Family!!!!!
Go in here to see me and my friends and family.. or at least what they would look like if they were graphics... hehe :o) Have fun!!!

The Backstreet Schedule
Here's the boy's schedule... see if they're coming to your area!!

Hey Guys!! I got a Web Forum, which is basicly like a Message Board, so click on in and see what's going on with other fans and stuff!!! You can also go here to get the latest in gossip and BSB news!! Have fun!!

Sign My Guest Book!!!


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