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...wishing you a wonderful and pleasant journey into the realm of energy...


This is probably the most courageous and decisive act of your journey. I am talking about your first step. And I'm not trying to establish a new "Baby steps" program here. How can you honestly criticize yourself, without feeling guilty? Simply; make it a positive outcome! Just look at your life and where your stood up until this day. Review your belief system. Is it still a valid one now? Do you sense that things are still working for you, the way they use to? Each question above is one that has to be answered with sincerity. No one will watch over your shoulder to judge you or to punish you, thinking you have done something that most people would considered to be wrong.

Don't worry, you are alone, {yet supported by the universe} looking as if you were having a conversation with your alter ego. And that's all right. Because you see, everyday people talk to themselves. But are you among those listening? Here is your chance to do yourself justice. You can now listen to the questions which comes out of you, and also be aware of the answers. It will benefit you in this wonderful journey called Life. What's more, you can gladly change your mind a thousand times. Whatever suits you as long as you live. There will be plenty more opportunities.

A Master once said: -"When you take that one step towards your goal, and make that simple effort, God instantly takes his million ones. And from the end of the universe, he comes at your rescue in that very same second to rescue you, and take you to that place."


Here is something which most people I know, don't feel comfortable with. They think it's just as hard as their first decision. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to sabotage your optimism. I just like to emphasize about how important it is for each human being to look back at themselves with compassion, loving and understanding. I use to believe that I was fine and that nothing could come in the way to my so called happiness. Until the day I had seen myself from a different angle. Of course I was not prepared for it. But in a way, the love generated by the people around me in supporting my decision was so uplifting, that I finally could face myself and switch to a new paradigm. I felt free from whom I thought I was, and from the patterns that where driving me as a person, into the wrong direction. I could see clearly just like after having a bad dream filtering my mind. Nothing was for real. I knew then, that I could become the captain of my ship, and sail through life with a positive and conscious attitude.
I actually believe that when things feels bad, they are a figment of my imagination. On the contrary, when all feels right, I am in a more appropriate state of mind, and perceive everything the way it really is. Judgements only come from a place where we can't accept who we and others are. So forgive yourself for seen life through a filter created by your patterns, education, or even culture. Because in truth, we are really one, under a single roof. Forget also what did happen, it can never come back. Don't hold it in your being and energy system, in any shape or form. Just be glad that a new beginning can occur every time you snap out of your drowsiness.


You have now entered a softer aspect of your journey. You have seen, faced and resolved your past. Don't turn around, look forward to live your "new" existence, and be glad to be you again, from now on. For instance, you know that you are more loving and caring towards yourself. Therefore that is what you are projecting through your personality. More flexibility and more gentleness. More patience with the process of your growth. No more compromises! This life is for real. I know you may believe there is more than one reality. To me, theonly one there is, is to wake up every morning with the thirst in my heart, with the passion and the longing for life's wonders to be experienced. Be thankful, feel the gratitude you have inside, and for those who have been there for you along the way. Accept because it's your choice to accept, not because you have to. There is nothing that is imposed upon you, unless you imposed it on yourself first. Release any tension left in your system, relax and enjoy the discovery process. Be like a child. Excited because of life itself, not what you do with it. Well, that can be enjoyed as well, it ought to be. But your first motivation has to come from a solid foundation within yourself. Then nothing will shake your tree, and you will bear the fruits of your lessons.


I don't know if you noticed, but in the word present, there is the meaning gift. How many of us live their existence thinking It as a gift? I became more and more constant with everything that makes me feel well inside. I firmly believe in what works for me. I almost never compromise for the things or those people who wants to take me out of my happiness, to substitute it with a temporary one.

The way I see this Life, is like been in a desert, knowing where to find the Oasis. I always long for what feels good, but I do not necessarily find it in every corner of the world. There is a precious place inside me like that well, and I must absolutly tap into it, go back to this source and drink until my thirst is quenched. In this place within me, there is a valuable treasure called LIFE. Not a lifestyle, but as a human being, I, harbor Life itself. In return, Life keeps me suspended inside a shapeless form in space and time. It doesn't get any better. Breath after breath, second after second it expends in my lungs and throughout my body. In addition, I can have the cherry on the top...I can be conscious of it all the time. That gift is the wealth of what we call presence. I cannot frame an experience and hang it on the walls of my concepts and ideas. I have to be a living, breathing, conscious creature. It is a no return trip. Once you have tasted the nectar of your existence, life never let you rest again, unless in it's company. It holds you by the hand because you want to feel loved and guided at any giving time. Care for your life, and it will care for you in return.


Doubts...They are the poisons of our existence. They swarm around you ready to sting you to death. At all time we need to keep an antidote handy, just in case we get too swollen with uncertainty. Fighting thoughts with the mind, is like adding oil to a fire. Why bother. The nature of doubts is to make you fail. They will be there as long as you allow them to enter your perceptions. Just ignore them, and live in confidence. Exercise does make it perfect, I agree. In spite of it, if you begin to find excuses for your actions, or your thoughts, you'll never start your way out of the labyrinth of doubtfulness. If you want something to not exist, live as if it wasn't existing in the first place. Make it your reality. You know that others have it, but you are not a part of it. Leave behind those inner attitudes when they don't work for you anymore. You always have a choice in life. As long as you believe that your power is not in your hands, you will experience some kind of "external force". It's like saying that you need to think about your breath in order to breathe. Well you don't, it comes with the package.

If you find yourself in a situation with someone telling you something that creates doubts in you, just look inside if it is because you are fragmented by the choices available to you in that moment. Or is it because you have no solid foundation in your belief system. Seek for an experience, not an intellectual answer. One that will show you you have shifted in your consciousness and perceptions, for what you want to really believe. Then doubts will simply disappear. And if you feell a tendency to fall back into the past, then respond with all your might and do what ever it takes to saty in that solid foundation.


Let the fun begins. Now that you slained the infamous enemy of doubts, you are ready for a new attitude and adventure. A creative and positive one. One that consolidate your soul and cheers your spirit up. One that creates a better energy system for your body and mind. Don't you feel healthier already, by just knowing that? That's what I thought, it works! Now you can start spreading the NEWS. (Unlike the song)
Anyone can create a positive reality. Well it's your experience, isn't it...Rhetoric question. Hehe! Oh! You mean you don't know how to create one...Look again! Maybe you have to go way back, like when you were a child. Do you remeber doing something out of nothing. Playing with imaginary friends or objects. Creating a little man out of a potatoe, few matches and a chestnut. Anything at all that was using your imagination. And more recently, reading a good book. Imagining the characters and places as if you were there. You see, there is ways to create out of yourself so many things. The possibilities are endless. So why not something positive as well? To change your reality takes about the same qualities, and a positive sense of expectancy.
Are you bored yet? {A real question} Because if you are,I can entertain you with all the exciting stuff there is on the INTERNET. Some Masters have called this world Maya, the illusion. Well, after all it's true, everything is meant to desappear with time. Click on this animation bellow, I send you to a friendly place. Go on! Relax for a minute, and then come back here. It's worthed to be a child again.


So you found your way back I see. Was it as nice for you as it was for me? Good!
Now let's move on...Begin to see yourself as a creator. Don't be shy, have you really tried? Have your heart and mind come together yet? Do you understand your unlimited resources? Have you tapped into it? Do you see how life invite you all the time? Well, invite life, just for once. You might find it less boring, once you come out of the closet, you can see the world as it is. Moreover, you know what...? It's full of magical experiences.

Of course it is! Are you fooling yourself with Darwin's theory on evolution? You are in a world called Creation. If you don't believe it yet, look around you, and see what you have done until now. Isn't that your own little creation? So if you can aknowledge yours, can you accept the larger one, and that you have been a part of it since birth? Everything you've done had some kind of effect on the macrocosm. Now, you may think that you have screwed up pretty well, {excuse my language} but not necessarily. Anyway, you have now a chance to turn things around, change it to the unlearning mode, and put a new program in your consciousness. Something that generates harmony in you and therefore around you. Be as creative as you can be, you're not in the army. Use your imagination for the purpose of restoring health and balance in your existence and in your body.
You are an unlimited being. See it that way for your own growth. Experiences ar the only things that you can validate and grasp, and saying to yourself: -"That is real and wonderful"...and reality is where you want to be. Of course you will have to define it, or to connect to a deeper part of you in which you will surrender, trusting that it is taking you to the experience you want to make you happy and well.


Miracles do happen! But the greatest miracle of all is that you are alive. That's right! When you wake up in the morning, or before you fall asleep, what do you do, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? What do you allow in your existence and what is still affecting you as a human being? Be aware of it, program yourself, make positive thinking an everyday habit. Renew yourself, just like the breath of life renews your chances to stay alive every single morning. Life is the miracle. And you can help yourself to see it by using your awareness, your prayers, by putting all your attention into the things you want to see manifesting in your existence. Nobody said you had to work to make your life worth living. But no one is saying either that you must sit there, and wait for the pot of gold to fall in your lap. There is ways to make it work for you and be still at the same time.
Maybe at times we must be a doer to get the things we want. We know that most people go to work, in order to be paid, and to enjoy money. That's socially acceptable. But have you learned to be still and "do" from a place inside yourself? You actually experience that all the time, but are you aware of it at all time? Do you have the know how?

There is a magic happening, there is a secret in learning to be still and wait for that little miracle to happen. I don't think this is the kind of teaching you will find in our traditional schools. For me, the reward is not in chasing after what this world has to offer. But rather let the world offer me something I have wished from a deeper level. And again, I believe everyone has a different way to get the things they want. I just don't feel I have to take, I guess receiving is a more humbling and rewarding place for me to exist. But i realize some people don't want the reward, they just want the things they have or don't have, not matter what. It's ok with me, if that works for them and everyone around them. Just another way to exist.


Existence is a true Blockbuster! Yours and mine. For many different reasons. Did you know there is more people watching over your life than their own? We could each enjoy our success story. We have the most viewed movie of all times. Even saints wrote scriptures about it. Just be aware of your gift, don't turn you head around. The screen is within you and ahead of you, unfolding with every option, made of perceptions and feelings. Can you be the spectator of your life? The past is filled of wonderful memories I know.
However, there is more to your existence than just looking back. Just as there is more than simply doing all the things we do aimlessly. And I don't like to philosophize, it's not my style. Have an experience of your best movie in 3D Real Audio and Real Video. No fonts to change, no colors to add, no screen to turn on. the only background is yourself, and you can browse the infinit possibilities that life is offering you. That's the only information Highway I know that keps me clear. Enjoy the colorful life you have. There is no need for making it more appealing. Just be real and honest towards yourself. After that, if questions still arises, just ask, they shall be answered promptly. There is always signs manifesting one way or another, on the freeway of Love. just keep looking ahead of you, look forward to your life.


Not so long ago, I had an empty space waiting to be filled with my heart and imagination. A few months later, I realized a little dream, in puting these pages together. Now I feel it's nice to have something manifested. Thank's to all the people that helped me realize this little vision.

I wish I could place a link back to each site that help me to get all the gif's/anim's/jpg's and Sounds. It would probably take me another page to do so. Instead, I'm expressing my gratitude here, hoping to see the artists who have conceived these images I used, someday come across this pages, and feel proud about what they have created.

As you follow the upper collored link, you will be able to discover a universe of graphics that I didn't know existed before I began. So enjoy it, and if you download just like me, most of the graphics to your homepage; be greatful for the "free arts" you now show to the rest of the virtual world. For some of us it might be more real than you can imagine. Thank you for your respect!


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