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All Hallows Equestrian Center

Hello, and welcome to my little shop of horses! If you're looking for real horses, you should probably look somewhere else. None of this is real, guys, except in a rather surreal and over-active portion of my imagination. The names of all real horses are used for entertainment purposes only. If you would like more information on the strange and wonderful world of model horses, check out this page of links . I highly recommend perusing the International Pedigree Assignment and Bloodline Research Association site, as well.

Important news! As of today (7/12/00), All Hallows Equestrian Center is no longer accepting outside breedings. I apologize for any disapointment or inconvenience this may cause, but my website desperately needs to be updated (and probably moved to a different webhost ::ahem:: with more disc space available); & I'm just not going to have the time to do that and fulfill outside breedings in anything resembling a timely manner.

As soon as I get the stable back in order, we will be open to the public once again. If you'd like to be notified when that happens, join my eGroups mailing list. Otherwise, check back here periodically.

I like to think that pedigree assignment is an educational hobby (how else can I justify spending this much time glued to my computer?), so I'm trying to compile notes about each breed, and some informative links. This information can be accessed by clicking on the breed names on the list (though I haven't had a chance to do this to all of them yet). This is where you'll find notes on naming restrictions, acceptable colors, common crosses, and other bits of trivia for the breed in question.

I'm re-doing my main s/d list to include more information on the stallions and mares, yet make everything more readable. Eventually, the only information listed on each horse will be its name, parents, color, and FFC/open years. If you click on that horses name, though, you'll find its year of birth, make/mold, any foals it has on the ground, a partial pedigree, a picture (when available) and any other notes I feel like adding (check out the Thoroughbred section... they've been changed to the new format). Right now some of the horses' names that are hotlinked will lead to a full profile, while others only lead to a picture.

And hey, speaking of pictures: we've got some, now! Yup, I got a webcam for my birthday, and was pleased to discover that it'll take passable pictures of my horses. Just remember: all of the model pictures on this site are my property, and you may not use them without my permission.

My S/D list is rather small right now, but I have literally hundreds of horses waiting in the wings, which will be added as they acquire pedigrees. Check back here often, as we will be growing steadily for some time! If you're looking for something in particular, feel free to e-mail me, & I'll see if I've got something suitable that hasn't made it to the list, yet.

Rules for Breeding at All Hallows. Please read before sending breeding requests!

Master List of Breeds. On to the S/D list!

Printable S/D list. Black and white, without all of those pesty links and graphics.

Abbreviations Just in case you were wondering what they all mean.

History of All Hallows Equestrian Center What ever happened to Royal Heart Stables/Claddagh Performance Horses?

Links Still can't find the perfect parents? Try here.

Guestbook and Webrings
