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\ Local Woman Wins Marathon\

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\ Park City native, Laura Blake, won the 27th Front Range Marathon over an elite field of the best long distance runners in the country. Laura's time of 2 hr. 28 min. 21 sec. was only 2 minutes off the women's course record set last year by Sarah Rawlings. Kathy Lasker and Lisa Peterson finished second and third, respectively. Laura's victory came on the heels of her performance at the NCAA Track and Field Championships, in which she placed second running for Colorado State.

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Race Results
Men1. Peter Teagan2:12:34San Antonio, Texas
2. Kyle Willis2:13:05Billings, Montana
3. Jason Wu2:14:28Cutler, Colorado
Women1. Laura Blake2:28:21Park City, Colorado
2. Kathy Lasker2:30:11Chicago, Illinois
3. Lisa Peterson2:31:14Seattle, Washington
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In an exciting race, Peter Teagan of San Antonio, Texas, used a finishing \ kick to win the men's marathon for the second straight year, in a time of \ 2 hr. 12 min. 34 sec. Ahead for much of the race, Kyle Wills of Billings, Montana, \ finished second, when he could not match Teagan's finishing pace. Jason Wu of \ Cutler, Colorado, placed third in a very competitive field.

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This year's race through downtown Boulder boasted the largest field in the\ marathon's history, with over 9500 men and 6700 women competing. Race conditions\ were perfect with low humidity and temperatures that never exceeded 85°

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Highway 6 Reopens

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Highway 6 will reopen this Friday, May 3rd, after a final safety \ inspection. A late blizzard delayed road crews, marking this as one of the \ latest dates for the highway's reopening on record.

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Rising to an elevation of 12,351 feet at Grace Pass, Highway 6 is a main link \ between Park City and Lake Elton. The reopening of the road is one of the annual signs that summer is near and the tourist season will soon be upon us!

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\ Park City Gazette ·\ 801 Elkhart Avenue ·\ Park City, CO 80511 ·\ 1 (800) 555-2918\
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