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mineral thoughts
In sleep
Today I woke up remembering a very weird dream I had.
In my dream I'm a freshman. There's this boy I use to like thats 2 years older than me in real life but only one year older than me in my dream. We apparently had the same P.E class. Where swimming and class ends. He gets out and changes. Then he goes back outside and sits on a bench. But I can't get out of the pool because I'm to short or something. So then, I ask this big guy next to me if I can stand on his back so I can get out. he says yes. So I get out of the pool and my cloths are dry I'm no longer wearing shorts now I'm wearing jeans and I think my pink blood brothers shirt and a black jacket.

Anyways, I get out and he's staring at me and he says " I don't really like to walk when your here. (or something like that). I didn't here him so I said,"you do or you dont? He said "I don't". So I say "Then why did you wait? He didn't say anything.

~I'm turning this to sort of a play script~

Me: Why dont you like to walk when I'm here?
Him: Because your boring..but cute
Me: (like a minute later) I'm not boring

In my dream I guess he's just sort of walking next to me and where walking around and inside the school. I think I sort of want to go to the bathroom or something because we go by two bathrooms and I'm staring at one and I say...

me:Is this a girls bathroom?
him: I think so

We both go inside and check. It turns out to be a boys bathroom and theres about 13 buys going pee and I we stare at them for about 5 seconds then I just fast walk out. I say

Me: Ewe
Him: ..he's just laughing...

Then I look across and theres the girls bathroom. Through the foggy windows you can see mirrors and pictures or famous "hot" guys like.. male models and singers and actors. I just turn to him and say

Me: to think the posters of guys o the walls would give it away that this is the girls bathroom
him:..he just laughs a bit

Well we end up going in the girls bathroom and were walking around and there's this guy and he gives "HIM" a dolls head. and so now were looking for a toilet so we can flush it but theres this or vice principal or teacher or something and she see's us and she says

nosy woman: What are you guys doing?!

She takes the head

Him: nothing
Me: were looking for more heads so we them to you

We walk out of the bathroom..she's just standing there staring at the head
Um we walk for a bit longer and now were at the track and the P.E teacher I guess got a call that we were to be found and given detention or something.

So he us and waves two detention sheets in our faces and he says

P.E teacher: You guys have detention , so get there..Now.

We reach for the sheets but he says

P.E teacher: unless you can run one lap on this track ,someone on there hands and someone else grabbing there feet and run out of here before the girls track team finishes there 3 laps.

were just staring he says

Him: now?
P.E teacher: yea, now

3 seconds later we see the girls track team running in and automatically starting to run there 3 laps.
So we start and yea he's the one on his hands and I'm holding his feet.

Then, we turn invisible and we both just run on our feet. The P.E teacher knows were invisible and he just screams

P.E teacher:You guys aren't running are you?
US: Nope
Then we go back to him on his hands and me holding his feet 1 minute later were not invisible anymore and were he's on his hands again tripping and the P.E teacher says

You guys are never gu-nna make it your to slow!

"HE" says

Him: yea I know it's this cacahead holding my feet.

Of course he didn't say it a mean way cause he was sort of laughing a little. In the end I guess we made it because we went running to the door. He sees someone he knows and starts to talk to him. I just start walking the other direction and wave by to "HIM" and say

Me: See ya later "his name"

I guess he thought I said "You coming "his name"?
because he said

Him: YEA! wait up

He ran over to me and started walking at my side again.

~dream ends~

What I posted today isn't my exact dream but really close.

Posted by film2/rather_nonsense at 5:18 PM EDT
Updated: 08/20/05 4:53 PM EDT
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