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Thoughts n’ Stuff


·        Annoy a Liberal… work hard & be happy!

·        Political Correctness is always having to say you are sorry.

·        How come your home has wheels and your car doesn’t?

·        Abortion = 1 dead + 1 wounded

·        Equal rights for unborn women!

·        A closed mouth gathers no foot.

·        Conservatives hate what people do.  Liberals hate who people are.

·        Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else get your way.

·        Character – doing what’s right when no one is looking.

·        For Sale- Parachute.  Only used once.  Never opened.  Small stain.

·        There are two ways to argue with a female.  Neither one works.

·        Your life may be the only Bible your friends ever read.

·        The best things in life are not things.

·        Be thankful for stumbles – they prevent falls.

·        God created Adam & Eve… not Adam & Steve.

·        All TV is educational TV—what are your kids learning?

·        Money talks.  Mine says “Goodbye.”

·        The IRS—We’ve got what it takes to take what you’ve got!

·        Politics is not a bad profession.  If you succeed there are many rewards, and if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book.