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Call This a Cry for Help
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~~It's been a while since we last updated. The DVD is done and will eventually be for sale. We submitted to 2 festivals that we are waiting to hear back from. Also, we submitted to a TV pilot the showcases independent films and their accompanying trailers.

~~Check us out on! you only have to register to rank us, and see our movie! it's streaming online and the winner of the online film fest gets into a real film fest in ny so help us! vote for us! we need it! We have the new dvd covers available.
the official cover for at least the first fifty dvds

~~We have the copyright for the movie, it was officially ours as of October 23, 2006!! Tyler and Addie are making the DVD this week with sweet menus, commentary, lots of bloopers, all three trailers, and possibly even subtitles for those hard-to-hear moments. Blame the low-budget sound. At least you