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Welcome to Circle Game Productions

Welcome to Circle Game Productions, home to alot of Iowans and a Utah kid. We at CGP strive to bring you some of the funniest material in hopes that you will krap your pants. Or laugh. Maybe even laugh and krap your pants.

Disclaimer: Ok, here's the fun part. Basically, we warn you not to look at the stuff on this site in the workplace or anywhere which states adult humor, sexual content in the form of jokes, or profanity is prohibited. I mean, hell go for it if you want, but when you tell Mary in the cubicle next to you to check out this cool clip, don't come to us when she slaps a lawsuit on you for sexual harassment. If you are under the age of 18, make sure your mom or dad says it is acceptable to look at our stuff. We use naughty language. And no we aren't responsible if little Billy learns the F-Bomb off this site either. DO NOT do any of the stupid stunts we perform, even if they look sweet (ie. setting your head on fire) because it really wasn't that sweet. We promise. We are not responsible if you want to be as stupid as us. We will not accept submissions. Believe us, we've seen enough of it. It's not that I personally wouldn't laugh but it's a liability thing. Instead just email me the idea and I'll do it. Then everyone on the site can have a good laugh as I take yet another trip to the hospital. Anyways, now that that's settled.....

December 20, 2005
Yes, I know. I actually updated ahead of schedule this time. There's not much to be added. I'm thinking about having a 'Shorties' section with all of our smaller projects, pics, soundboards, animations, etc. that we work on as screw off stuff. I may come on later to do that. It's a toss up between the new section or masturbation and it's been a looooong day. I'm not quite sure how I want to go about doing this yet anyways. Yes, another episode of RuffaloKLANG!!! has been put up and I plan on possibly editing the movie stuff to get that up and running. Again, that or masturbation. I probably won't be on until next Wednesday once I finish this up. Sadly, I have to go to a family Christmas thing and hear them bitch about the weather, politics, and bowel movements. Merry Christmas to all, fuckbags!!!

December 14, 2005
Shit is back up and going again. Looks like the whole site is back on track. I've scheduled a weekly routine in which I will be on here to update and add new comics to RuffaloKLANG!!! as well as add any new information that may come up. Check out our About Us section, I've added a few new faces to the roster. Which brings me to other great news, the DaDoJC is up and running again (Hopefully for good this time). I'm about 3-4 people away from having a full "acting crew", if you really wanna call us actors, and have filled three cameraman positions. It seems like shit may be coming together.

December 8, 2005
I've just got my computer fixed after yet another catastrophic crash. The TV tuner card is up and running, to an extent so I'm going to make an attempt at capturing some images for the DaDoJC project. We may have also found a site which will host our movies as long as people continue viewing them. Good shit, good shit. You'll have to forgive me because the quality of the pictures is a little lack luster. Ok, honestly, they suck shit. Satan Claus is going to have to be a little more generous for me this year, as we need a new camera, capture card, and other materials. I've also updated some areas of the site and am hoping to make it a weekly thing in my schedule to continue working on this.

November 9, 2005
First off, Elliott is lying. I don't have a girlfriend so keep the offers coming. Secondly, I'd like to let everyone know I'm going to try my hardest to keep up with the comics. I've added another one into the archives tonight, in fact. I'd also like to let everyone know that I just krapt my pants. In all seriousness though, due to family emergencies I may not be able to post as often as I'd like but I'll do my best to keep the material coming. "Do Your Best" Didn't that come from the Cub Scouts?

November 1, 2005
Hey people what's up it is Elliott. So it seems i am the only one that has a real interest in keeping this site alive so i have persuaded jensen to allow me to update. So lets see what is new. it looks like Jensen found a chick yay for him and i am still stuck in mormon land riding the rides of religion. you would think that after living in utah for five months that I would have found Jesus by now but I don't think I ever will. In other news we are still looking for a place to host our videos on a limited income, that means without paying.

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Finding Jesus


The Dos and Don'ts of Jones County

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