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Bill Nighy...erm...Billy Mack butchers “Love is All Around”
Jamie being all sappy and cute, never suspecting she’s a biznatch
“There was more than one lobster present at the birth of Jesus?”
John and Just Judy are so cute, in an ever so slightly disturbing sort of way
Mark and Peter at the wedding
Natalie meets the Prime Minister
“Now I've gone and said ‘sh*t’ – twice.”
Jamie and Sarah chilling at Peter and Juliet’s wedding. Apparently, some of their friends are a little more alternative than these two
She’s so disgustingly thin...and only 18.
Mark would be adorable if he weren’t so creepy
No, Jamie! Don’t go upstairs!
Colin Frissell (not Firth...)
Aww... Daniel at the funeral
Poor Sam...
Apparently, Sarah is friends with freaking EVERYONE.
Don’t talk to her, Alan, she’s a biznatch. I mean, Harry. Don’t talk to her, Harry. ( cute is it that Snape has fingerpaintings on his wall?)
Sarah is shocked that someone figured out her secret
Laura Linney has such great reactions
Not quite Slartibartfast.
Martine McCutcheon is definitely the prettiest actress in this movie
Haha... I feel your pain, David. The world sucks, doesn’t it?
That blackboard is really kind of high for Sam to reach, don’t you think?
Pobrecito... Karen comforts a grieving Daniel
Neat scenery... I almost expect aliens to show up... But that was a different city, wasn’t it?
Jamie’s a serious writer with a serious typewriter and a serious case of writer’s block
The name Juliet always makes me crave Girl Scout cookies
Sarah whacks her boss with a broom...or something that looks like a broom... Maybe it’s a glove or a hat...
...and he whacks her back
That’s an interesting little dance you’re doing, Mr. Rickman... And somehow you still look haughty
A charming little villa...with a plastic lawn chair out front
Hahaha... You’re a funny little man, Colin Firth
Look at that posture... Way to get away from the Mr. Darcy typecasting.
...and that’s a great way to fall back into it. Man...look at Aurelia’s neck.
The Prime Minister rips the President a new one
Hugh Grant would be nothing with out his eyes... Well, his smile is nice, too. And his charm, obviously... But still, it’s all the eyes
Natalie, with honour intact
One of the rare opportunities to see Alan Rickman in a casual setting
I love Emma Thompson...
“Now which doll shall we give Daisy's little friend Emily? The one that looks like a transvestite or the one that looks like a dominatrix?”
David dances around 10, Downing Street
Oh, Hugh Grant... You’re so silly...
Jamie leaps the fence
Rescuing the worthless manuscript
Aww... She’s cold... And he’s adorable
Aurelia all bundled up
I know, I know! It’s a book about a really bad mime! (Albeit an adorably bad mime)
Juliet brought snackage! Or rather, “munchies”
As Jon Stewart would say, “Aaaaaaawkwaaaard!”
You’re not going to think it’s so perfect in a moment...
Poor, creepy Mark...
Liam Neeson is really quite attractive when he’s not trying to kick Christian Bale’s arse
“We need Kate, and we need Leo, and we need them now.”
Daniel and Sam are so pathetically cute...
Robert Palmer...? No! It’s Billy Mack!
Oh, Liam...
Thomas Sangster is just too cute
::chuckle:: Yeah... We musicians are an obnoxious bunch
Sarah closes up for the night
Harry and Karen at the soiree
Does this LOOK like a Halloween party, tramp?
I love that couch. Totally not kidding – I’m looking at the couch, here
Karen and Sarah have a nice conversation in front of someone’s derrière
Sarah finally gets to dance with...that guy. What’s his name? Karl, I think. Doesn’t really matter...
She really looks worried, like she’s going to blink, and it’ll turn out to be the old fat guy from the mailroom
“Give me just a minute.”
Ha! Sarah tends to what’s really important.
This reminds me so much of the scene in A Fish Called Wanda, though it’s not as repulsive
Sarah and her darling
I love the staging and expressions here, even though the biznatch is in it
Don’t listen to her, Harry!
It’s not even all that pretty
Oh, Rowan... You’re so funny...
Oh, Alan... You are, too...
Such showmanship...
Oooh... Classic Rickman expression
Blackadder would kick this guy’s arse
Harry’s a bit upset, I think
Love those eyebrows
Haha... I love these two...
Rowan with a festive little sprig of holly
Don’t snoop, Karen. You’re going to regret it...
Aaahh! It’s the anti-christ!
It’s strange to see Rickman using his smirk for good instead of evil...even if he is kind of not nice
And leaping back to one of my other favourite guys ever
I really think you should invest in some better tapes, Jamie
Karen snooping around the Christmas tree
“Say ‘table’.”
Emma, you’re so cute
Look! Snape and Trelawny are kissing!
Nice try, Karen. Put on a good show for the kids.
Aww... Lookit the cute family photos
Very cute
Now, why would you let your head be turned by that ugly little witch when you have this at home? Men are retarded
Aww... Pobrecita... Go slap that jerkface
Look at that... He may not be good husband, but he is a good far as getting his kids ready goes
Quality time with Sam and Daniel
John gets all embarrassed and awkward now that he’s not on the set of a porno
Just Judy is only slightly less awkward
Uncle Jamie disappoints his family
“Read the sign!”
Ha! Look on the table! Even patients at the psych ward love Python! Wait... What are they saying, exactly?
Peter and Juliet cuddling
Aww... How sweet... And utterly creepy
They set this one up so they could have a shot to put along with Ebert and Roeper’s quote in the trailer...
Billy realizes what really matters
Oh no, poor Joe – he has no... Oh, wait. Wrong movie.
Yet another Aww... moment
I absolutely love this expression
Oops... She should really stop cursing in front of the Prime Minister
::gasp!:: They’re siblings!
A really bizarre nativity
Sam’s belovéd
It’s Curly’s One Thing
All I want for Christmas is more material covering her waist
Sam is so cute
::gasp!:: She’s a tramp, too!
Heh heh... Oops
Harry shows his appreciation
Rowan returns to give Sam a window of opportunity
Oh, Liam... I love you when you’re not beating up Christan Bale
Aurelia takes it all in
And, really. Who could say “no” to such a cute grin...
Not Aurelia, apparently
They have a little laugh over family
One of Billy’s various strumpets
How do you suppose Jaime knows these people?
“She can’t speak English properly; she doesn’t know what she’s saying.”
“I’m fine.”
Sam’s awkward little reunion
“He should have kissed her.”
John and Judy are an adorable couple when you don’t think about how they met
It’s disturbing how well Colin’s plan would work in reality...
Tony oogling Colin’s strumpet
And a happy ending for the Prime Minister
Yay! What a cute movie