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The Seventh Doctor chills out in the TARDIS with The Time Machine
Li looks down at the dying Doctor before running off with his stuff
Doctor House, you're needed in radiology
Cinderella runs home from the ball...through a hospital
Oooh... Neato...
He's alive!
The Doctor as Joey Frankenstein He looks much more like Victor, though...
This is really kinda nifty
Eight pays tribute to the most famous pre-Nine Doctor
Scavenging for clothes in a costume shop is never advisable
A rather nice shot of a rather confused Doctor
The Doctor recognizes the woman who killed him...or rather, the woman who failed to save his life
The Doctor buttons up his shirt after his examination
Deductive reasoning
Mmm... Pretty Doctor...
The Doctor looks over the back of his chair
"I love humans... Always seeing patterns in things that aren't there."
Li steps into the TARDIS
Another shot inside the ship
The Master being all creepy and stuff
A fairly straightforward shot of The Doctor
The Doctor looks concerned
The Doctor pacifes a police officer with a djelibeybi
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why Americans should never be allowed near Doctor Who (for those of you who haven't seen the movie, The Doctor and Grace are on the police motorcycle, and the Master is chasing them in the ambulance)
Uh oh...
If Jack had been here for this, he would recognize the merits of a sonic screwdriver...
The Doctor explains yet another of his manifold quirks
The Master descends the staircase
This is officially creepy
This continues to be creepy, but at least it gives us a good shot of his eyes... [covets the eyes. also the hair, but mostly the eyes]
Oh, the nineties... What a decade that was
There aren't a lot of things that were done brilliantly in this movie, but this shot is one of the few that were
He looks like little Eisenheim all grown up! Which is not to say that he looks like Eisenheim, just that he looks like an older version of little Eisenheim.
He seems to be having a bit of a hair problem... Which I suppose is allowed, considering...
It's not just Nine and Ten who can give great hugs
Li, Grace, and the Doctor at the TARDIS controls
There's the screwdriver!
Paul McGann has the weirdest smile ever... I love it
Kind of a neat shot of The Doctor in front of the TARDIS
Narrative Causality reigns even in the TARDIS, and we come full circle