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Bruce Wayne
Picking flowers
Even with facial hair, he looks good sometimes
All bundled up
Baby Bruce
Baby Bruce at the opera
Training on the ice
Aww... He's got the sniffles
He needs a blanket
Bale's scar is really prominent here
Bruce doesn't look happy...
How can you slap someone who looks like this?
Bruce looks good in blue
Aww... He's got a bloody lip
Even a look that would be creepy as hell on someone else looks good on Bale
If someone hands you something with smoke rising off of it and tells you to "breeeeeeeeathe," don't
So intense...
"I'm no executioner."
Struggling to pull Ducard up
Hee hee... I love this expression
Looking up at Alfred
Mmm... He needs a bath, but otherwise...
"You had me declared dead?!"
"Good thing I left everything to you."
Is it a random bum on the streets, or is it...Batman?
This shot seems so adorably mundane that I can't stand it
Nice, dramatic profile
And another
One last profile
Standing among the bats
Bale has the cutest expressions
"At least we'll have spares."
"Does it come in black?"
Mmm... Again.
Building his wings
Mmm... This is an excellent movie
"Bats are nocturnal!"
Poor Bruce has a bit of a bruise... Because that's what we're all looking at
Pushups have never looked this good
"A guy that dresses up as a bat..."
"...clearly has...issues."
Wet and sad
His hair is in the middle of flopping down into his face here.
Stone-faced in pjs
Oooh... Ding-dong... (in the words of Bridget Jones)
The birthday boy grinning in his tux
Having a very serious discussion with Foxx
Sneering at Ducard
Calling his guests to order
He really looks like a vampire
THAT is emotion - the truly heart wrenching kind
"Can you drive stick?"
Batman leaps over the Narrows
Eeew... He's all icky here
There is something very attractive about the idea of a billionaire carpenter, especially one who looks like this one
Hey! Hands off!
Ack! I want one!

Lucious Foxx
"Expecting to run into much gunfire in those caves?"
"What do you think?"
Flashing that adorable, wily smile again
In a tux at Bruce's birthday party
"I got another job...yours."

Alfred Pennyworth
Happy to be Bruce's heir
Serving tea
Snarking off in the bat cave
Tending to his ill master (love that vase)
A classic Alfred shot
"I hope you were not a member of the fire brigade."
"Why do we fall, sir?"
Looking very dashing and broad-shouldered

Discussing Bruce's options
Look! Bruce gave him a boutonniere!
A sort of nice close-up
Out on the ice, about to kick Bruce's tail feathers
I like this shot a lot
Through the eyes of his drugged-out pupil
Smirking because he knows he's been caught
Reappearing at the party
Explaining his position once again (I love him in front of the burning background. That's a neat effect)
A rather intelligent evil mastermind, this one. Good job remembering that gas mask...thing

Jim Gordon
Aww! He's so young! Ish.
He has a very ratty profile
Apparently he's back in elementary school
Proposing a novel idea...maybe Batman's on _our_ side
A neat little slice of life shot - taking out the trash
He's so skinny!
Close-up on Gordon doing something few others in this movie do: listening
He's so adorable...
Poking around in Crane's drug lab
Looking seriously detective-esque with a walkie talkie
Evidently he _can_ drive stick...
Taking aim
He looks rather upset here, but he's actually celebrating
Waving to Batman after having destroyed the entire town
"I couldn't find any crime bosses."
"I never said 'thank you'."

Dr. Jonathan Crane
At the Chill hearing
Looking very smug
His face looks very rectangular here
Looking downward
Standing in Falcone's cell
Analyzing Falcone
Raising his eyebrows
Looking alarmingly effeminate
Look at those eyes! I haven't seen eyes like these since Paul McGann!
Here there be spoilers
Pricking up his ears...sort of
This bit makes me giggle like a lunatic every time
And you're _sure_ Cillian Murphy and Jeff Davis aren't the same man?
"It's the Bat Man."
Not really the most flattering picture of Dr. Crane...
He's so pretty...

Ra's Al Ghul
"It's you, isn't it?" Such a cute little kid
Earle looking rather psychotic
Carmine Falcone
Flass is so repulsive...
Commissioner Loeb
Rachel Dawes
Thomas Wayne

Multiple Characters
Alfred and Bruce at the funeral
Bruce returns to Wayne manor
What my sister calls the Hallelujah Spelunking Shot. Or maybe that was me that called it that. But she sang the Hallelujah Chorus, so she was the inspiration, if nothing else
Alfred runs to save his master
Lucius and Alfred tend to Bruce (he's such a baby...)
Bruce and Rachel as chitrens
Bruce and Rachel walk toward the destruction
I swear I took this shot from Batman and not American Psycho
Showdown on the ice
A rather neat picture of Bruce getting thrown around by a middleaged man
A question of morality
Duuuuuuude... This is so Mulan.
Aww... Gordon gets to play hero for a while ^_^
I really love this shot. Gordon is so adorable (and easily my favourite character), and we get a little peek at his family
Boo! Hiss!
Lucius showing Bruce his toys
Bruce gets into the playboy thing a little too much
"It's a black...tank."
(Almost) the whole Wayne household.
Mommy and Daddy Wayne
Aww... Pobrecito!

Frozen tundra... It's pretty when you don't have to be there
The flower thing
The home of the League of Shadows
Bruce entering the home of the League of Shadows
The Gotham Metro
Training on the ice
Downtown Gotham
You think that's a Bogart in that box?
Props to the pyro team
Aerial shot of the sun coming up over Gotham
Rear view of the Tumbler
Shopping for a Batmobile
A bat-shaped throwing star. I suppose that would be a throwing bat.
The original bat signal
Dramatic shot of Batman in Gotham
The electro dehydration magnetic thingummie... The one that made no sense at all and completely and utterly destroyed any suspension of disbelief I was able to maintain until that point
"Bat serves up crime boss"
Gotham with some nice lightening
The Shades? The Nether? Oh! It's the Narrow.
Wayne Manor
This looks like a shot from Interview with the Vampire
And this shot was lifted from Reign of Fire
Batman in flight
Another fantastic headline
Returning to the burnt out manor
The new bat symbol
Sequel, anyone?