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Creating Our Own Reality Since 2003

We Are Currently Working On Mulitple Projects

Dealing With Death

We Had To Change The Name.It's Already Being Used.
Download Previous Dealing With Death Episodes.
Episode I.

Episode II.

Download Dealing With Death Episode II.

Still can't see the video? Install Apple's free QuickTime player.

Fire Five! A Flaming High Five!

When You mix highly flamable liquor drunk people and fire you're walking on dangerous ground but we've always been pyros here at BoxBashers and so are our friends. Check This Out!
Download Flaming High Five!

Later Dyaz, The ZWZ

Disclaimer:DO NOT Try This at home or anywhere else! We accept no responsibility for any dumbass who hurts themselves.Performing any stunts shown on this website.That includes You Zach Bridges. You Dumbass!

New News!

When Episode III is finished. I mean fully finished I will edit all three episodes into one.
Later Dayz, The ZWZ

Woo! Long Time No Post huh!Oct.21

Well I haven't even looked at this page since Ball State. Thus, No post but I have done a tiny bit of work on episode III. I Wasn't lieing when I said it'd take awhile. But I am glad to say that it will be one of the best.I've used nearly fifty frames for the first five seconds.I'm using paint shop people it's hard, but I do think you'll like it. We've had some set backs with recording the dialogue and I'm not releasing this one until it's complete.
Later Dayz, The ZWZ

By The Way. The Links Work Now.


Hello I am Levi Boaz. I will periodically chime in just to make fun of Zack. (he smells) Some times he forgets there are 5 of us so I am doing this just to keep him in check and to let all of you know the other names on this site are not the fabrications of a very sick fowl smelling lune. Till next time.

They're Finally Up!

You can now download Episodes I & II. They have music but still no voice over sorry.
Later Dayz, The ZWZ

Links Don't Work

Yes I Know the Links to download previous episodes don't work but when we're finished with the full versions of the Episodes they will I promise.
Later Dayz, The ZWZ

ERROR! May 2

Isn't it annoying! Ahhh! I was updating the site to add Episode II and for some reason I can't upload the new file. Check in later this week to see if the problem has been fixed. Until then I'm afraid there's no New or old Episodes available. Sorry.
Later Dayz, The ZWZ

Here's Hoping April 28

This weekend we will hopefully be able to record the full version of Episode II. We'll also be posting a link to download Grim Adventures Episode I full version. This is If we can find my old mic so we can record the voices. Here's Hopin! Oh don't forget Monday We'll be posting Episode II Done or not.
Later Dayz, The ZWZ

The Box Bashers: Zach Zornes, Levi Boaz, Gus Mayer, Ryan Boaz and J.T. Kein

What's Up! We have finished 2 cartoons however the site won't support the better quality ones because they're to big. This WILL Take a while to load so bare with us. If you are on a dial-up go on vacation and we'll see you in a week.
Later Dayz, The ZWZ
P.S. We'll be working to get a full version with voice and music.

Now We’re Blogin!

We added a blog to the website so you can complain about our crappy cartoon so go for it! Then we'll make fun of you. (It's only fare!)

We Posted Two of Our Pictures Tonight. Friday 22

Check Them Out Here.
You can now see myself and Levi in all our ugliness. We'll post the others as we get them. We promise this summer we will be posting the full versions.
Later Dayz,The ZWZ

Check These Out!

Make Comments On The Cartoon!
Box Basher Pics
