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Classic Movies

Everything for the fan of classic Hollywood!

Welcome To Classic Movies -- your number one source of information on the Web about classic movies, movie stars, directors, and all the things you love about the Golden Age of Hollywood.

Select one of the links below to find any of the hundreds of pages on Classic Movies. Go right to our Video Store to purchase videos at the best prices on the Web from the online store with the best selection of videos, or visit our special poster store.

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New on DVD This Week - Be the first to order the newest releases of classic films on DVD. New reviews every two weeks.

Best New Links - A list of the best new links added to this site each week.

The Classic Movies Forum - The best place on the Web to meet and talk about old movies and related topics.

Birthday Calendar - An exclusive listing of birthdays for classic movie stars and directors.

Recommended Resources - My personal recommendations for all kinds of Web resources that will help you save money on videos, DVDs, books, posters, and more, plus help you make money if you're so inclined.

Net Links - The most extensive collection of classic movies links on the Web, arranged by subject matter, with content descriptions.

Classic Movies Feature Articles - Humor, interviews, special tributes, quizzes, and more, all on the subject of classic Hollywood films.

Classified Ads - Now you can place a classified ad on this site for only $5 a month, on almost any subject. You can even run it for free for a couple of days and see how you like it before paying.

A to Z List - Over 700 films, from 8-1/2 to Zulu, all with links to help you buy them at the best prices from Movies Unlimited or

Free Graphics - A collection of free graphic headlines for you to use, plus a link to some free classic movie star Clip Art.

Classic Movies Sound Files - A large and growing collection of sound files in wav format from classic and not-so-classic films.

Classic Movies Book Store - Just the beginning of a listing of movie-related books, with brief reviews and links to help you find them.

Classic Movies Video Store - Choose from thousands of titles at great prices! VHS or DVD.

Classic Movies Poster Store - Nothing but reprints of posters from older films, plus links to help you find whatever you desire from the Web's best poster store.

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