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      Many of us are familiar with the German Engineering and understanding styling of Volkswagen. Personally, I prefer vehicles with an American loyalty, but that’s just me. Anyway, the Jetta 1.8T is a nice way to get around in relative luxury and comfortable styling. While not a Mustang, it can still move fast enough to be slightly interesting. The front wheel drive provides improved handling in adverse weather condition, but it makes for a tough go on tight corners… not to mention when it makes you change lanes when you don’t want to. The coolest things about it are the sound the turbo makes if you listen hard enough to hear it, the sunroof and the seat warmers. The blue illumination lights on the instrument panel create a very nice ambiance.


        The Jetta 1.8T has a turbocharged 1.8L four-cylinder engine putting 180 horsepower to it’s front wheels. I tried to find out how many pounds of boost the turbo puts out, but VW is too worried about style to be concerned with the needs of wrench-junkies like me. GO TO HELL. A four-door sedan with leather seats and sunroof, it appeals to the yuppie in all of us. The silver color is most appealing to the eye and the ability to seat five fairly comfortably is a nice attribute to any car. Although this car will seat 5 comfortably and see 110 mph fairly quickly, it is still a sedan. Therefore it gets the family man thumbs up, and the crazy teenager thumbs down.


       All in all, this is a good buy. You get a lot of nice options for the money and enough engine to almost have some fun. I prefer a nice large eight cylinder engine, but that’s me.


        As this is the first column, there are no letters. SO WRITE ME PEOPLE.

Volkswagen Jetta 1.8T

automotive review by

Justin Moore

February 14, 2002


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