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     I can say without a doubt I don’t know what I was thinking the first time I reviewed this movie. I must have been trying to defend its B-Movie attributes by giving it 5 stars, or I had never seen a movie in my life and was impressed by the idea of moving pictures. This movie tells the story of Jack Burton (Kurt Russell) as he gets accidentally involved in an underground Chinese war that has been going on for centuries and has since moved to Chinatown in America. This is DEFINITELY not a 5 star movie; it’s not even a 4 star movie. However, it does have its redeeming qualities. It’s a great example of an 80’s “B-movie”. This movie doesn’t have particularly good acting, and it’s not shot in a particularly stylized manner. But, none of this matters in the case of this movie. It is basically just a modern kung-fu movie. That’s it. There’s nothing exceptional about it, unless you’re really amazed by some poor acting and cheep wire tricks.

Big Trouble in Little China

capsule review by Gregory Filce

John Carpenter


FILM 2002

FILM 2001

FILM 2000

FILM 1999






