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     Ghostbusters, called one of the funniest movies ever made, tells the tale of three parapsychologists who figure out how to capture ghosts. They then open a ghost catching business, but it is much greater than that. Ghostbusters is one of the movies that everyone should see AT LEAST once. I hold this belief for many reasons. First, It is just a great movie. Even if you’re not like me (who enjoys knowing every single fact about this movie), Ghostbusters is still a great comedy. It gives an enjoyable experience no matter how many times you have seen it. Secondly, it increases your cultural literacy. I have seen many references to the Ghostbuster movies from books, television, and other movies. Finally, if your a true Ghosthead like me, you'll enjoy the great back story and trouble this movie had to go through just to make it to theaters. Example: Ghostbusters was one of a few titles that were being considered (many others were considered such as Ghostsmashers). Columbia had trouble getting the rights to the title Ghostbusters. There was a television show called Ghostbusters. It was about these detectives that solved paranormal cases. This caused severe problems on the set. An example of this is the scene in which Peter Venkman is looking at his new sign and Ray pulls up in the car. That scene was shot several times with different names in the place of the Ghostbusters, just in case that it was not going to be the title. There are many, many more back-stories of Ghostbusters. Despite all of the reasons to see Ghostbusters, there are still some people (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) who haven't seen it yet. My suggestion is...GO SEE IT IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!! GO NOW!!!! STOP READING AND GO RENT IT!!! Then come back and finish the newsletter.


capsule review by

Gregory Filce

Ivan Reitman


FILM 2002

FILM 2001

FILM 2000

FILM 1999