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these vids are approx 3mb; right click and choose save target as

Daniel chases Grant
click here to view the story on this incident.

Damien pushed into a bush while skating
click here to view the story on this incident.

Damien falls down train stairs
click here to view the story on this incident.

Grant skating out the front of his house
click here to view the story on this incident.

GOLF VIDEOS F/FLD G.C - 02/01/03

Grant swings but suprisingly misses

Daniel releases his sexual energy on the putter

Grant misses a putt

Adam's reverse swing

Grant is tackled by Adam

Daniel is tackled by Adam

Grant has a seizure from an exploding golf ball

Adam warms up to tee off


Cricket Series 1 - Daniel for 6

Cricket Series 2 - Daniel for 4

Cricket Series 3 - Adam gets pissed

Cricket Series 4 - Daniels revenge

Grant hits golf ball at house.
*Note Adam's gay recording will show another golf balldirectly next to Grant's swing

Daniel fetches golf ball in pool

Forgot to take into account that Adam is crap at golf

Daniels golf ball suprisingly hits Adam in distance

Daniel and Grant play trivia persuit board game

FAGGOT TRIBUTE- right click on it and choose save-target-as to download (1.42mb)

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