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Los Angeles ...the weather is just paradise...dry and warm and your body is dreaming...there's a biological sense of optimism it induces....the comfort leaves you free to concern yourself with other things....which in LA, would mainly mean consumption, face lifts and dieting....

the vegetation ..very mediterrainean....i recognised all the smells and plants...went for walks among cypress and pine needles and olive trees and citrus and majnoonehs...the smell and texture of the air was so familiar and time is standing jordan in spring..this meyer lemon tree is outside sana and yves house..little sweet lemons...i used to have major fantasies about this tree when i lived in sf, smell and flavour.

sana and yves have a cute little cottage...barely big enough for two people...we were 9. sana was mostly too exhausted to talk but my sister rola caught her in a refreshed moment finally. here they are with the baby finally. now for the math problem, what do a 1/2 german 1/2 jordanian and 3/4 swiss 1/4 lebanese produce in terms of the baby? a true euro-arabe for one thing....

Shimmini she is so tiny and delicate (i say as she reaches out and grabs my pinky in her death grip)...she stayed sleeping most of the day...she also has the Genuine Baby Smell, which i thought was just a myth until now. one of the greatest smells in the world. scratch and sniff baby

uncle paul ...aunty rola elizabeth (my twin in every way...well almost ;0) , aunty nadia nwayyer and aunty dina (my favourite)....everybody is in character..paul is mr.i-will-hold-the-baby correctly, rola is ms.i-will-make-a-funny-pose, nadia is mrs.madame-nadia-the-maternal-responsible-for-the-world, dina is ms.i-will-sit-and-ponder-this-creature. and finally, baby aya who is wondering who the fuck all these freaks are and computing how many years it will take for her to be able to collect enough household items build a spaceship and return to planet aya.  mr.macgiver aya.

asas al-mushkileh kulha ...the original sperm and egg that started this whole calamity...we are still missing the 3rd part of the equation- the candle that made all the "magic" dad is such a macho man...look how he is sitting bisharaf to say mom has 2 baby's to take care of now...i caught both of them sleeping...the picture says it all.

itha bitwag3ini wallah gheir athab7ich..except when threatened, woken up or pulled away from her precious Bzaz Bar , our little aya is quite gentle. she started waking up just when i left. i am suffering being so far from my little DJ Fasweh Jarwa....look at her spin those records and turn those knobs...or is she sending signals to her fellow baby dyke aliens to come save her from this circus? needless to say while the family is busy worrying if she will be a doctor or engineer when she grows up...who cares ya 3amy?? i am asking myself if she will be a dyke or bi or staright or queer or trans or what? who cares ya 3amy..

enough of baby pictures, time for some adult vanity...time to sign off....from my planet to yours...over and out