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Len Scher - President
Karen Fejer - Communications Director
TOWER CITY Productions Inc.

Professional Legacy Videos for Toronto's Jewish community

Toronto – Spring, 2004 –

TOWER CITY Productions, a North York producer of documentaries for TV, is launching a legacy Video Division to satisfy the growing demand within the Jewish community for family life-story video biographies.

Quicktime video demo

Realplayer video demo

Len Scher, President of TOWER CITY productions, and winner of a B'nai Brith's League for Human Rights Media award, says TOWER CITY now offers a comprehensive solution for seniors to leave a professional video biography for their children and for future generations.

"Everybody can now preserve his or her life story with a professional, well edited production including music, still photographs, newspaper clippings, a lengthy interview, titles and special effects. We look forward to what we can accomplish for Toronto’s Jewish Community," says Mr. Scher.

Karen Fejer, Communications Director says, "Our legacy videos look like a biography TV show. People want them as a birthday gift for their parents or themselves. Everybody can leave a video legacy—an entertaining reminder of how they lived their lives. The end product is delivered on a DVD so it can last forever."

"Our family made one as a gift for my grandmother and we found there was so much about her youth we hadn’t known before," said Rebecca Kierszenbaum. "She lived through the Holocaust and World War II so it was riveting. In an hour I discovered more about my bubbie’s life than I had ever known before. My own children will have this as a living memory and be able to see her in action."

TOWER CITY Productions is proud to enhance the legacy video field. The firm believes it can help preserve Jewish heritage and keep alive the memories of our people.

"People make videos of weddings and Bar and Bat Mitzvahs and other simchas," says Mr. Scher. "So why not celebrate a life? Hi Tech has allowed us to reduce the cost so that almost anyone can afford a Video Legacy. I am just as proud of these private video biographies as of the programs I produced for CBC, the NFB or Discovery."

Steven Spielberg gave the idea of Legacy Videos a boost when he funded the Shoah Foundation to videotape survivors’ first hand testimony of the Holocaust. Shoah’s trained videographers fanned out across the continent to record hundreds of World War II experiences. Let TOWER CITY do the same for you.

About TOWER CITY Productions

Len Scher of TOWER CITY Productions, Inc. has written, produced and directed video programs for Discovery Civilization, Harbourfront, NFB, TVOntario, CBCTV and CTV.

The company has also produced audio books known as “talking books” for McClelland & Stewart, Lombardi Publishing and U.S.A. clients.

One of Mr.Scher's CBC documentaries on The Holocaust was a finalist in the ACTRA radio awards. Another show, “Yiddish: The Mother Tongue” won a Toronto ACTRA radio award. In the 1990’s, Mr. Scher produced two syndicated specials: “The Real Columbus Story: Was Christopher Columbus Jewish?” and “With The Courage of Maccabees: The Jewish Experience in the American Civil War.”
Columbia University awarded two of Mr.Scher's productions as Educational Program of the Year.

TOWER CITY Productions, Inc.
Toronto, Ontario

Please feel free to view our Quicktime video sample.

Real player video

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® TOWER CITY Productions is a registered trademark of Tower City Productions Inc.