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Aggressive Inline Intro Video
~ Screen Shots~

This the first part of the full length video that we are making. It is still in the process of being filmed
so it will be a while before this whole video is out. But when it is finished it will be up for sale.

Mike rides off rock

This is a little video clip that I put up because it is REALLY FUNNY!
It is of Mike riding of a 20 Ft. tall rock next to a skate park we go to. This is worth your time, you should watch it.

George Chattem Dies

This is possibly one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life.
George trys to do a 7 set with his Wal*Mart blades and doesn't quite make it past all the stairs.
Watch the video to see the real thing

George does 5 set

This is the best thing that I have ever seen George do, so I decided to put it on the site.
It is a little edited clip of George doing a 180 down a 5 set that we skate pretty often. Check it out