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The Matrix: Reloaded - Quotes

By: Jeremy U.
I will add more quotes and pictures as soon as I can.

I believe it is our fate to be here. It is our destiny. I believe this night holds, for each and every one of us, the very meaning of our lives. This is a war and we are soldiers. What if tomorrow the war could be over? Isn't that worth fighting for? Isn't that worth dying for? - Morpheous

Neo: What's your point?
Councilor Harmann: Old men like me don't have points. There's no point.

Morpheus: Death can come for us at any time in any place

Link: He's doing the Superman thing.

Agent Thompson: You!
Agent Smith: Yes, me.
[Turns Thompson into another Smith]
Agent Smith: Me, Me, Me.
Agent Smith Clone: Me too.

Commander Lock: Not everyone believes what you do Morpheus.
Morpheus: My beliefs do not require them to.

Agent Smith: I'm just like you. I want everything!
Morpheus: Would that include a bullet from this gun?

Twin#2: We are getting aggravated.
Twin#1: Yes, we are.

Agent Smith: Mr. Anderson! Surprised to see me?