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Doors to open

The Refrigerator Door

The Library Door


The Garage Door

The Studio Door

September 11, 2001


The Guest Room Door

The Kids Room Door 2 and 4 legged kids

HOUSE Pictures

The Garden Gate

Our Wedding Album

Welcome to our World!
I've been re-working my old "refridgerator" page, and am in the process of adding a lot...

Last updated on July 3, 2006 You probably arrived here via my BLOG...because that is some-what idiot-proof, or at least it is FASTER to add and update!!!!

I am having some issues with the concepts of form over function or function over form? Ah, the philosophic muddles one can create for oneself.

For the moment, function is winning. I do want to get certain information out there into the soup of the ether-world. So, yes, I AM aware that some of the images may be LARGE... That some of the text is repeated.... That some captions on photos are just kind of melding with the next image.

Patience please!

Thanx, Trish

timmy is quite a poet... he has always sent me lovely the rest of the world can see WHY i love him so much =)

...quilting, photography, scrapbooking, genealogy.... you can find it all here!

So, come in, enjoy...

photos from our family reunion at Myrtle Beach, Oct 2004

CountryJoes My dads "antique" site.

--and to those of you who got here from there, or from Country Joes other site, just remember, it's his SON who is the computer geek artist! LOL

Pokeys site (the afore mentioned computer geek artist brother--- (love ya!)

Genealogy In Print. A cousins book site

Email Trish:


All Photographs, unless otherwise noted are copyrighted images belonging to Trish Casey-Green. All writing, unless otherwise noted, is the original copyrighted work of Timmy Green or Trish Casey-Green. Please Respect all copyrights!