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     This big screen adaptation of the classic comic book follows a group of unique power-possessing mutants who live in a world where their kind is feared, hated and persecuted by humans.  This group has been labelled 'the X-Men'.  Under the guidance of their leader, Professor Charles Xavier, the X-men strive for a world where humans and mutants can peacefully co-exist.  Not only must they fight against prejudice, but also radical mutants with intentions of exterminating the human race.

     Hugh plays Logan (a.k.a. Wolverine):  A mutant with the ability of rapid self healing.  In the past, Logan was captured and used as an experiment ~ to turn him into a killing war machine by grafting a virtually indestructible metal over his entire skeleton.  He escaped his captors but has no memory of his life before the ordeal.  Eventually, he meets up with the X-Men and becomes one of the team.  However much of the time, he is not one of the easiest members to get along with......



     Movie Trivia bits:

     When Wolverine complains about their outfits, Cyclops asks him if he'd prefer yellow spandex. This in-joke refers to the fact that Wolverine's costume in the X-Men comics is mostly yellow.

     X-Men creator and executive producer, Stan Lee has a cameo in the film as a man near a hot dog stand on the beach when Senator Kelly comes out of the water.

     George Buza, the trucker, portrayed the voice of Beast in the "X-Men" animated series.

     The blue-furred character called Beast was going to be included in the film.  However, because the make-up for the character would be extensive, the character was cut and his scientist persona was grafted onto Jean Grey, who became "Doctor" Jean Grey.

     Many of the X-Men from the comics who don't have major roles in the film still appear as minor characters in the school.  Among them are:  Jubilee, the Asian-American girl wearing a yellow jacket (seen in Professor X's class room when Wolverine first enters, and again sitting next to Rogue in Storm's class); Shadowcat, also known as Kitty Pryde (she walks through the door), and Iceman, a.k.a. Bobby (the one who makes the ice ball for Rogue).

     After knocking Storm down an elevator shaft, Toad (Ray Park) kicks away the bar that was holding the elevator doors open, grabs the bar, spins it over his head and then holds it in an attack posture in the same way he does with the double-ended lightsaber as Darth Maul in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.

     After a defeated Storm re-enters the fight, Toad complains, "Don't you people ever die?"  This is an in-joke since, in the comics, almost all of the characters featured have "died" at least once, then come back.



     Moments On The Set:

     "There was one point where we had to do a shot where I was falling, and to stop myself, I ram the claws into the side of this building.  And I'm [hanging] hundreds of feet in the air.  To do that I was [about 20 feet up].  And I was dropped with my full weight, and then at the designated stop I punched in to the wall.  I had a harness on that was around my groin.  And I was picked [up] from the hips.  Somehow in mid-flight, my balls got entangled.  As I dropped, I [makes a pained face] went '@#$%!'  And no one did anything ~ they thought I was acting.  I said, [hoarsely] 'Get me up!'  So it was just as painful.  They were yanking me up by my balls.  That was definitely the last take of that day." ~ Hugh Jackman.


"Wolverine gets caught up into this world of the X-Men in this movie.  He's a reluctant member of the group, and he's a reluctant uniform wearer.  So he gets a uniform, which of course, is not his ~ it wasn't made for him.  It was very tight on him.  In fact, all of them were tight.  It was just the particular look they wanted, very sleek.  [The costumes were] very expensive, and leather.  It was really difficult to move.  I couldn't bend down at first.  And we did one take where I was landing ~ I was being dropped ~ and as I dropped, the whole seat of the pants went [makes ripping sound] and ripped straight out, right in front of the camera.  Then it was perfect [laughs]." ~ Hugh Jackman.


     "We were doing this scene towards the end of the movie where it's all coming to a crisis , and anyone could be killed at any time, so it's very tense.  So three of the X-Men are looking at me ~ I was off-camera when all of a sudden this guy in a Spider-Man costume jumped out from behind a pillar.  Well, the three of them didn't turn around, but the rest of us were just pissing ourselves.  Then Spider-Man looked around and said, 'Oh, I'm sorry.  I think I'm in the wrong movie.' [laughs]  It was the funniest thing." ~ Hugh Jackman.                                                                                                         


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