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Directed by Roland Emmerich ~ Action/Sci-Fi
EARTH Take a good look.  It could be your last.

"I'm just a little anxious to get up there and whup E.T.'s ass."

     July 4th becomes the day that humanity fights for its freedom in this film about aliens planning on invading and enslaving Earth.  Giuseppe plays Troy Casse, the youngest son of a retired Vietnam pilot (played by Randy Quaid).  This role lead to Giuseppe's appearance in the Smashing Pumpkins video, "1979" when Billy Corgan saw the film and asked Giuseppe to be in their video.

     Watch for deleted scenes of Giuseppe's on the Independence Day DVD.  The Special Edition contains several added and extended scenes and Giuseppe can be found in quite a few of them.


Giuseppe as Troy Casse.

More images from Independence Day


Directed by Tony Kaye

"Has Anything You've Done Made Your Life Better?"

     This film has been described as "the most important film of the year", however it may be a difficult movie to watch for many viewers.  The movie examines current racial tension in America by focusing on its effects on one family.  Edward Norton gives a powerful performance and was nominated for an Academy Award for his portrayal of a supremacist skinhead.  After Norton's character has become reformed in prison and is released, he must make the attempt to save his younger brother, Danny (Edward Furlong) from following in his footsteps.

     This is another chance that we get to see Giuseppe team up with Edward Furlong, as Giuseppe plays Danny's skinhead friend, Jason.  Giuseppe is quoted as saying, "I'm a real nasty boy in this one, remember, I'm an ACTOR!"  I presume that this quote is based mostly upon his scenes that were cut from the movie - a cut scene in particular where Jason and his friend harass a homeless woman on the boardwalk.

     The cut boardwalk scene was shot with a handheld camera and during the filming, a bystander thought Giuseppe was harassing the woman for real.  The person ran out and broke a skateboard over Giuseppe's side, causing him to have to go to the hospital.  Looking back on the incident, Giuseppe views it as "really wild" and says he would like to experience more of that realism in filmmaking.

The cut boardwalk scene from the film can be found at:

Sound files of Giuseppe's character in American History X can be found at:

Giuseppe as Jason (left) seen through the peep-hole of Danny's front door.

Giuseppe as Jason (far left).

A scene from the cut boardwalk footage.

Giuseppe is the one on the far left at the back with the tattoo across his chest.
Please excuse the quality ~ this is the only image I have found from this footage.

For the official American History X web site from New Line Cinema, visit:

To view more images from the film, please visit: