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     To the finished film, he says, "I loved it.  I was blown away by Adam's vision of it."  The cast found the shooting of the KISS concert footage to be a very long day, however the fans that filled the Copps Coliseum stadium were inspiring to them.

Thanks to Rena for this picture.

     All four actors enjoyed the opportunity to play characters from the 70's; however, they had to rely on research and their intuition to develop their characters.  Most of this research involved quizzing their parents, looking through family albums and watching 70's concert video footage.  "Ultimately, it wasn't too hard to figure out," says Giuseppe, "My dad was young in the 70's so I talked to him about what it was like back then."

     With the exception of Giuseppe, the actors are not experienced musicians and spent time familiarizing themselves with their instruments before the shoot.  This is the second film that teams up Giuseppe with Edward Furlong.  They both previously acted together in the movie, American History X.

Thanks to Rena for the next 3 behind the scenes pictures.

Giuseppe during the pre-shoot practice.


On the set of Lex's basement.  Giuseppe has been playing guitar for about 5 years.

     When asked what character in the movie Giuseppe is most like, he explained it would be his own character, Lex.  He was asked to do mostly improv for his audition for the role ~ to be himself (and was chosen for the role during the audition).  He explained that there was a lot of ad-libbing during many of the scenes in the film.  For Giuseppe and the rest of the cast, one of the hardest parts of filming the movie was the cold Toronto weather during the nights.

On the set in Toronto.  The Canadian National Exhibition Center (CNE)
disguised as Cobo Hall in the background.

     The cast spent a lot of time together off camera as well and Giuseppe enjoyed working with his fellow actors, including Melanie Lynskey (Beth) and Natasha Lyonne (Christine) who played bit parts in the film.

     Giuseppe found the physical scenes to be the most difficult for him in the film, such as sliding down the escalator.  He turned down using a stunt-double for the escalator scene and describes his first time doing movie stunts as, "fun, but weird".  The backstage scenes were filmed at the Skydome in Toronto.

Thanks to Rena for the next 2 pictures.

Giuseppe does his own stunt ~ sliding down the escalator to escape from security guards.

Lex sneaks into a backstage party at the concert.