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Chris smegging around.

KrytenIt's overloaded!  We've lost Mister Rimmer!
: At last, things are looking up!

Rimmer persuades Lister to trade bodies with him in Body Swap.

From "Rimmerworld"...
Is that why no-one on the planet is brave, sexy, noble or charming?
All crimes here.
Cat: Man. I must be Public Enemy numbers one, two and three.

From "Thanks For The Memory"...

Lister: It's in the shape of a spanner, Holly, cos he was a technician.
Holly: Well that's very apt that is.  If he'd been a postman you'd have baked it in the shape of an envelope I suppose?
Lister: Yeah!
Holly: Gordon Bennett!  It's lucky he's not a gynecologist.

"Look, just because it's an armour-plated alien killing machine that salivates unspeakable slobber, doesn't mean it's a bad person.  What we've got to do is get it round a table, and put together a solution package -- perhaps over tea and biscuits." ~ Rimmer from "Polymorph."

From the Smeg-Outs video.

From "Better Than Life"...
Wow!!!  My stomach has been pumped and now I'm hungry.  Hey, there you are!  Hey man, I'm so hungry, I just have to eat.
Lister: Shhhhh.  Not now, man.  Rimmer's dad's died.

Cat: I'd prefer chicken.

Seeing double...two Rimmers in Me2.

"Are you telling me this guy belonged to a video club and he needed a card so they'd recognise him?  He's got six eyes and three noses.   If it were me, I'd remember him.  'Aren't you the bloke who came in last week, sneezed, and caused a monsoon?'" ~ Rimmer from "DNA."

Rimmer's fantasy world turns bad in Better Than Life.

Kryten from "Holoship": You will be joining a society where you will be compelled to have sex with beautiful, brilliant women twice daily, on demand.  Now, am I really the only one here who finds that just a little bit tacky?  (Lister and Cat are speechless).  Well, quite clearly I am!

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