Interesting Facts About The Movie

Interesting Facts About The Movie

  • The Dude's shirt with Oriental characters and an Asian holding a baseball bat, worn during the scene in which the Big Lebowski describes Bunny's kidnapping, is the same shirt worn by Jeff Bridges in part of Fisher King, The

  • Asia Carrera, the girl appearing opposite Bunny Lebowski and the nihilist in the porno movie that Maude shows The Dude is an actual porn star. And she once starred in a porno movie also called Logjammin'

  • The only time Donny doesn't get a strike is before they fight the Nihilists at the end of the movie.

  • The "F" word and its variations were spoken 267 times in this movie.

  • The fast food restaurant "In & Out Burger" is referenced during the movie. John Goodman once did a commercial for the "In & Out" fast food chain

  • The private detective that's following Lebowski says that Bunny's family is from a farm "outside Moorhead, Minnesota." Moorhead is the home town of Jeff Bridges' wife

  • The Dude says "man" 144 times in the movie, nearly 1.5 times a minute.

  • The blue Volkswagen driven by the private eye is a reference to the Coen brothers' first film, Blood Simple (1984), in which a private investigator drives the same car.

  • Steve Buscemi dies in nearly every Coen Brothers film in which he appears (with the notable exception of Hudsucker Proxy, The (1994))

  • Nearly all of the visible symbols in The Dude's second dream sequence are taken from earlier scenes:

    --the black and white tile is seen earlier in the Big Lebowski's entry way when The Dude walks with Brandt and again at the end

    --Maude's gold bowling ball bra cups are taken from bowling balls seen on the rack behind Walter in an earlier scene at the bowling alley

    --the scissors wielded by the red-clad Nihilists are seen in a painting with a red background on Maude's wall

  • When Walter finishes off the last of the nihilists, there's a billboard that reads 'Ben Hur Auto Repair', but 'Ben Hur' and 'Auto Repair' are separated on the sign by a motor, so 'Ben Hur' is visible. Since Walter is Jewish and he pretty much beat the nihilists single-handedly, the billboard is a presenting an analogy between Walter and Ben Hur, the famous Jewish hero.

  • In the supermarket, the Dude pays for his milk with a cheque. In the background we hear George Bush Sr saying "this aggression will not stand..." and the handwritten date on the cheque clearly says September 11. In the light of recent event this is peculiar at least.

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