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Burning Crotch

Burning Crotch


The Booth

Past Shite


Sin got the hookup?

     Well Sin is back, hookin up the final portion in the first phase of the new Burning Crotch rebirth. Remember this is the aftermath and don't think we don't hear yall motherfuckers talkin....holla at your boy.

The Munky is back

You have now crossed that line into my dimension..... Now that your bearing witness to my "Just Bullshitinnn..." So, now that I've suckered you in, expect to hear about a lot Vin Deisel bashing, a lot of bashing on celebs/people I dislike strongly...i.e. George Clooney, Gus Van Zandt, etc, etc..... You get the picture, aye? Just check out the archives to my old column..... I will tell you what you won't be seeing... You won't be seeing no talking about gay ass movies like Chicago, Moulin Rouge, any of those artsy fartsy fairy ass shite movies.... If you dont like that, well, sit on it, biatchhhhhh


Ok, Im basically gonna school you fuckers out there that are thinking about taking a trip to god knows where, perhaps South America, maybe Mexico... Anyway,heres basically what not to say to a latin bitch in both Spanish and English, just so you know....

Tengo un pene largo y permanece dificillmente por siempre. (upside down question mark gos in front of this)usted tiene gusto de aspirarlo para mi?

I have a large penis and it can stay hard forever. Would you like to suck it for me?

Hey Perra, Soy Americano. Usted conoce.....clean y mierda
Hey bitch, im American, you know....clean and shiiiiiiiiiiiiit....

I am American and I will now fuck your brains out!
Soy Americano y usted ahora cogere sus cerebros hacia fuera

Clown del asno!

((This is a shout out to Ben "Da Cruise Missle" right here...))

Ben no cogeria Beyonce Knowles, sino que el cogeria probablemente una oveja
Ben wouldn't fuck Beyonce Knowles so he would probably fuck a sheep!

Por favor Deme La Direccion De Shakira Antes de que Confunda A Su Hija Desde Su Asno Hermoso.....
Please Give Me Shakira's Address Before I Mistake Your Daughter For Her Beautiful Ass....

Yo it you favorite primate up in his local cage, if you got any specific sayings you would like to know in a different language. SO hit me up at




Just Bullshittinnnn...

"Just When You Thought Your Day Was Already Fucked Up Enough, You Just Had To Read This Column!"

Yo nigga this some good ass weed, dawg. Fuck da oil, I'm exportin this shit!


Greetings and Salutations..... I started you out with some funny errrrr..not so funny captions just to keep you driving on with my newest column to the new siteeee... Its been a long day and me and the boys had a little staff meeting,talked about the site and shit... We got some good points and were planning on making the site even better for your viewing pleasures...

I wonder if the pilots that are gonna have the huge ass napalm to be dropped in Iraq are gonna have "Bombs Over Baghdad" blasting... Oh well, who knows, who cares, Im just waiting for that big ass motherfucking campfire....You know... Maybe some of those fucking camel jockeys are cannibals and they'll have Jeneane Garofalo on a kabob roasting over a few coals... It doesn't hurt to wonder... Which is why I'm glad Singot bored and wondered up the new nifty design for the page... It looks a lot better... Anyway, we were debating on using the Spring pastel colors, but we figured all you homo-erotic thinkers would get off on it too much... Besides, you can't go wrong with white,right? Yeah,the site is finally back,new and improved thanks to the expertise of Sin and Nastee...

Im back with more lame ass words of wisdom and I'll be throwing a few reviews your way soon as well,Made,etc,email me at MUNKYROBINSON@AOL.COM if you got any personal reviews you want me or the guys to do,aight.. Hopefully this time,my shit will be decent. I'm not really full of many thoughts as of now, besides the fact that Im anticipating Tears of The Sun and that new Diehard where Bruce Willis is packing all the heat into his new co-star Britanny Spears.... Speaking of that,whats up with all the comotion of who shes with nowadays.. One minute its Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit,next minute its Collin Farrell... Who cares, but every dog needs a bone, so its all good..

I was looking at recently when I saw that Georgia Sen. Zell Miller has lashed out at a proposed new hillbilly reality show where they place real life "good 'ol boys" and place them into a posh Bevery Hills-esque crib.... I mean,its all good you know, everybody knows Billy Bob Thorton needs another fifteen minutes of fame considering his "DSL" supreme biatch ditched his ass.. So why you gotta rain on his parade?

WHAT THE FUCK?????????????????

Ok,first he ruined the redundant Bond rip-off franchise,then he ripped us to shreds with the idea of him trying to put out his own video game franchise... And now theres even worse news,my friends...The world's most sorriest over-payed actor on earth is hitting the comedy drama market!! Thats right!!!! Vin Diesel is gonna be in a chick flick? Just when you thought a chick flick couldn't get any shittier... "Oh my gawd" and "what the fuck"  were the only two things racing in my head when I read this.. And no this isn't an early April's Fool Prank, this shit is primo news straight from,indeed...He plays quote "a football player with a short fuse." Oh,theres more,heres the fucking premise...

" When his managers fear he'll be severed from high-paying endorsement deals due to his antics, they make him take lessons from a female "etiquette expert". And good golly, the mismatched pair ends up falling for each other!"

GAWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD........DAYUMMMMMMMMMMMM ITTTTTT!!!!! Get ready to burn all of your clothes, cause I'm pretty sure this fucking shit will be stinking up the streets for years to come!