Things that suck

Films that suck
Actors that suck
Games that suck
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Programmes that suck
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Films that suck UPDATES:Cradle of Fear added to the horror films section.

We here at "Things that suck" feel that this is a public service site. We're here to make sure that you don't spend your time or money on absoloute shit.

We have a huge list of things that suck. We plan to make a page on all of these things.Looking at the list, I can say that it's going to take a long time to make a page for every one. There should be atleast one page added every day. Of course, the list is growing everday too. All I have to do, is switch on my tv, and I'm bombarded with crap. You can also expect some updates every so often on reviews and profiles.
Just remember, we brave the things that suck, so you won't have to.