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The Collector's palace
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Welcome at The Collector's Palace!


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[Saturday, September 1st, 2001]
Time to say good bye! I can't maintain the site any longer! I tried but I am tired of deleted files and accounts! I can't stand that anymore! I don't have the energy and strength to bring you eps! I know I am disappointing some people here but times are changing and so is the world! There are not any good free webspace provider out there anymore! Sorry guys! I sent all the relevant data to The Collector! He will decide what will happen with this site!
I really enjoyed the stay here! I really loved it! And I want to thank a lot of people, specially Skip0Pot2Mus, QazzaQY2K and Morath! Thanks guys! And of course all the other people who supported me! Thanks!
If you want to find me in the future connect to a DalNet server and join #startrek-europe! I love this Star Trek Channel! I hope we will see use there!
I am sorry....

[Saturday, August 11th, 2001]
MMM...some people get a 404 error if they click the link to the board. That's too bad because the board is actually there! So if the link doesn't work just copy and paste the url and then you will get on the board. I'll tell when I fixed it. Here is the link:
And for the people who are waiting for an e-mail confirmation: It won't come. You don't have to confirm anything. The server disabled sendmail. So just go to the board and post! You can do that now! Thanks and enjoy!

[Tuesday, August 7th, 2001]
Message Board is back online! I haven't done anything wrong! The server was extremly busy! Sorry! I'll look out for a new server.

[Monday, August 6th, 2001, 2nd Update]
There are some troubles with the Message Board! Please stay tuned! I will it bring back online asap!

[Monday, August 6th, 2001]
Big Surprise! A new and better message board is up! It's vBulletin Board without any ads! You have to register your nick there but it's totally free! And much better then ezBoard! This is cool isn't it? I hope you like the design. I do. I hope it works fine. I have absolutely no experience with such a board! :)
Today is a day of a lot of changes! The URL of the website changes to Update your bookmarks! The redirectors are still working. They now redirect to the new site!
Last but not least even the IRC channel changed! It's now #tcpalace instead of #tc-palace. But it's still on DalNet! Update your Auto-Join-List. ;) And come and join us!

[Saturday, August 4th, 2001]
One Episode is up again! It's Tsunkatse encoded by Skip0Pot2Mus. I hope you like his encodes. I uploaded it to! I hope it works and nobody deletes it! ;-)
I'll up more episodes soon...I hope Krajensky will finish his queue manager for soon. Then uploading will be much easier and won't take that much time! Stay tuned for more episodes!

Old News - June 2000 - July 2000 - August 2000 - September 2000 - October 2000 - November 2000 - December 2000 - January 2001 - February 2001 - March 2001 - April 2001 - May 2001 - June 2001 - July 2001

Site Design: The Collector