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My Home Page

As a nation we all suffer a  short attention span, as far as the media industry ,
what we watch, is a reflection of what we think. Or closer to the truth is that all
of us are being seduced. And this gives us pleasure, and pleasure always has a price.


Pleasure can be purchased. Money does in fact buy happiness. I think money buys more leisure time to explore the mystical, to find a God, unlike the average person who are too busy trying to make money, never can fully appreciate the blessings that wealthy people always  feel because they know that the  sheriff's dept is never going to throw them out of their home, because of a sudden lack of employment. Being homeless is never going to happen to those who have wealth. It's so easy to feel God loves you when you have financial security.  That's why this guy   feels so special, so saved, so much that he wants you to send him more money so that he can continue telling us how good he his.


                                                                      Want to see cool art? CLICK HERE ..

                            Want to hear great music?  CLICK HERE ... 


                                                                                     A perfect darkness -    CLICK HERE   

                    War: and poetry   -   CLICK HERE                    









              More Thoughts...                              

             Freedom to express style, idea's, pain, anger, choice, religion, music, compassion, ...

Are you tired of violence?      War is good for nothing! Okay....anyway




                "LOL"? It seems a bit odd if I am alone, typing stuff, laughing out loud, like some mad scientist. I guess maybe it's how often a person "Laugh's out loud". If the duration of the "laughing out loud", is too long it may cause people to offer assistance...


                I did not know that anyone could buy an  "Infared-traffic light- red to green light changer", until the Today Show mentioned it.

                                                                      - Now I suddenly want one of those things.-




                                                            Dreams are a puzzle.

           I always am surprised at what my dreams invent, as if there is some power besides me contributing to the script. Or...Dr. Freud, with the really good prescriptions.




                                                            FYI: Any advertisements, irritating as it might be, are just irritating  ...: O/