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It was a calm and sunny day in Eugene, Oregon at Sylvia's house.

The night before Sylvia and Lindsay made plans online to hang out the next morning.

Online much later that same night Sylvia and Trisha were talking and suddenly Trisha had a psychic vision!

"Sylvia," she said "I just had a vision, a vision of you and Lindsay finding treasure!"

"You is trippin' fo sho'" responded Sylvia.

The next day when lindsay arrived, she brought terrible news!

"I have terrible news Sylvia!" she said "It turns out the military is going to sell my sister to Europe if she doesn't pay them for this shiney silver car of hers! We have to find treasure to pay them with!"

"Okay!" said Sylvia "Lets start looking!"

And so they looked, and looked...

Suddenly, they spotted something!

"Wow!" said lindsay.

"Yeah, wow!" said Sylvia "Now the military can't sell your sister!"

Lindsay's sister was not sold to Europe, and it was all thanks to the treasure...

And Trisha's vision!