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Welcome to my Web Page!!!

Currently under construction

Song of the Week Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes

Pictures of the week

Hey! Welcome to my first real try of a homepage. Hopefully, I will get this web site nice and running, depending on the stupid school time. This web page will consist on many things that interest me. These things will include baseball, dance, animals, the beatles, the list can go on and on. But check back occasionally and you will see many varities.

APril,13,2004 1:34 p.m. Yeah. This whole thing isn't working. So i'm only gonna update this web site occasionally and there won't be too much information put up and updated for a while
APril,9,2004 11:01 a.m. Alrite, i had no work done here whatsoever but soon i'll have frames up and some pictures. Let's see what else, oh yes The YANKEES WON THEIR HOME OPENER YESTERDAY!! yay. ok, i'm gonna go, see ya.
April,7,2004 1:41 p.m.Day 2. and i have some serious doubts about continuing this web site but i will cuz i made a deal to myself.Today, i got shit to do, such as make up dance classes and the dreaded homework. SO Bruce Willis was on yesterday's Dave Letterman and it made me wonder why he ever was with Demi Mooore. He's such a good guy and she's a bitch. Oh, well not my place to judge. Currently listening to Pete Yorn's - lose you. Ta-ta for now.
April,6,2004 Well, this is the first day of this web site and it’s looking pretty crappy. But I’m not worrying yet cuz it’s my first time. There is more good news, it’s 7:56 and I’m listening to the first game of the New York Yankees in the States and they’re leading on top of the 2nd inning 4-1. Umm… what else. Well, I hope you like my song of the week, if you don’t then you suck.
    Missions in Life
  1. get fron row tickets to a Yankees game
  2. visit -
    • Greece
    • Australia
    • Caribbean
    • Israel
    • South Africa ( Africa, ovarall)
    • Egypt
    • Italy
    • France
    • England
    • Ireland
    • Ukraine ( Europe, ovarall)
    • Russia
    • San Francisco
    • L. A.
    • Chicago
    • Mexico
    • Peru
    • Brazil
    • Hawai’i
    • Argentina
    • Canada
  3. have a successful and brilliant career
  4. move to San Francisco
  5. own a home in Hawai’I or in the Mediterranean
  6. have at least one role in the movie
  7. not let my parents relationship ruin my love life
  8. become a true vegetarian
  9. try out for broadway
©2004 Sveta, Inc.