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How to draw Hair

Welcome to your third step of creating your doll. Here you will learn how to draw and shade beautiful hair. To get hair palettes, click here or here.
1. Take the doll you are going to draw with and pick the colour palette you are going to use. In this case, I will teach you how to draw Tingilya's Hair 2. Draw the outline of the hair with the darkest colour of your palette. Clean it up after you roughly draw it. 3. Close the lines. Select your flood fill bucket and fill all of your hair in with the second colour of the palette. 4. Select the third colour of your palette. Add some highlights through the hair. It looks nice if it runs with the outline of the hair, but put them where you want 5. Select the fourth and last colour of your palette. Right next to the highlights you just drew, add you lightest colour right next ot it.

Hey, you're Done! Pretty hair she's got eh?