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The Mystery

© 2003, Darlene Bridge Lofgren - All Rights Reserved

vocal: Valerie Fuchs Kravette

Within the spirit of me
Lies the reality,
Rests the true certainty,
Heals all injury:

I believe I achieve what I conceive.
What I weave and perceive I receive.

Long before I was born
And long after I am torn
From this life's rose and thorn
There's nothing I should mourn.

I've the power. I can cower and sour.
I've the power. I can flower and flower.

So now I choose love!
I choose prosperity!
I choose health and laughter!
I set my beauty free!

I believe I achieve what I conceive.
What I weave and perceive I receive.

So now I choose love!
I choose prosperity!
I choose health and laughter!
I set my beauty free!

Within the spirit of me
Lies all creativity.
I've solved the mystery.
I write my own story.
I write my own story.
I write my own story.

© 2003, Darlene Bridge Lofgren
all rights reserved

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