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Hello and welcome to (as I like to call it *snickers*) This is a site dedicated to the Stick Figure movies that my friends and I have made with the flash 5 program. You may need Macromedia Flash Player 6 to view the movies, you can find a link to the site in which you can download MFP6 in the link section. I hope you enjoy the movies and enjoy the site. And just because I have to put this: NOTICE: This website contains stick figure movies that may contain animated violence, strong language, and crude humor. For those among you who may have heart conditions, are pregnant (notice the first two are jokes), are young, or cannot handle animated violence, language, humor etc... Leave and don't come back. I assume no responsibility if you are offended by the material on this site because I put this warning up and you have a choice, I'm not forcing you to watch the movies.

The animators that will be featured here.

Good Sites.

My Stick Demise MSN Group Site.
Very good stick figure movies.-Sticksucide
All sorts of flash animations.-Newgrounds
Awesome, just awesome animation on these stick figure movies-Stickwars
This is where you get Macromedia Flash Player 6
