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Kristen's Page

I don’t want to be seen for my looks, race, or even my gender.

I want to be seen for my individuality, and what I have on the inside.

I am not like most teenagers who are out there only caring about themselves and their image.

I am an individual who is just starting to try to find my place in this world.

I know I have a certain standing that God has set aside for me to fulfill.

For me to be able to achieve this honorary gift, I have to be who I am, not who you want me to be.

I accept people for who they truly are, not who they are trying to impress, just like a lizard camouflaging himself on a rock, trying to be like the rock.

Those whom I love and respect are people who don’t fall into the power of the world.

Kristen Elling

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Matthew 28:20

Remember to SMILE!

No matter how hard you try, life will never be perfect.

My Friends

My Photography

My Writings


Email Kristen