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Yo......I get girls, who ya tryin to dis man, you marburbate so much, ya rock a wristband, I got fans across the country, Sin is who dey feelin, last time you saw a fan it was spinnin on the ceilin, I go online to check my hotmail, You go online lookin for hot males.............                                                     Oh shit what the fuck am I doin.........................                                                    They can't fuck with me man...........................                                                        Holla at your boy.

Burning Crotch


The Munkey

Sith Holocron

Dragonball Summary

The Watcher

Welcome to the Darkside

     As you can tell "The Booth" has done undergone a little change. If you like you are learning my young apprentices. If you don't like it, well then you can suck my motherfucking cock. This column page has taken much time and effort, so respect the creators, or the creators will disrespect your family, Sopranos style bitch.

What to expect..............

     What the fuck can you expect from the original Sin. But if yall mother fuckers want some schooling in the ways of the dark side, check out "Life Lessons to Learn, it may teach you many wise things. The column is now called "Sith Sense". and is you're new to the site and want to check some of Sin's past opinions, well then hop your lazy ass over to the fucking "Sith Holocron." Ok ass-monkeys I know some of you dip-shits are to stupid to follow Dragonball Z and some of you would appreciate it more if you could follow it better. Yes I know they leave you hanging at the end of most episodes, but that's one of the best things. Plus there has been so many episodes and so much has happen that you just can't grasp it. Well Sin has saved you from your fate. Soon I'll have a complete summary, thanks to others of the whole fucking thing. Excited now? Want to wet your pants full of jizz? Well great go ahead, everyone does it. En-fuckin-joy

Oh yea more things will come, you can believe that, like can believe that I'm up in your bitch every night. Cause I'm like a tampon, something your girl needs in her once a month. Gotc 

Life Lessons

     This lesson will teach all you broke ass, Sin Diesel hating, pedophile loving bitches out there, how to maintain a high. First off if you can achieve enlightenment by smoking 48 blunts in one day with your boys, you're almost there. But if you can't then you can never power up to my level. But here's how you do, smoke, smoke, smoke, and smoke some more. Until you reach this plane, you will not achieve any enlightenment what so ever. You'll start to see things more clearly through the fog of that sweet ass bud. Hey Pac did it, Snoop did it, Sin did it, and yea even the Jedi Master Yoda did it, well we're pretty sure that he did. Remember "Do or do not, there is no try........."

Holla Front........

     Yo homeboy, what the fuck do you think you're doing. If you got any comments about this column or this site in general, then holla at your boy Sin at I expect to be hearing from all you punk asses instead of all you bitches hiding behind your modems. And if ever feel like telling the original Sin a thing or two, then go ahead but remember..............sleep with one eye open.

The "Unofficial" trailer and if you're stupid enough to think that its the actual one, then you prove my point.


I did not start this, but I will finish it.

Ok, to start this weeks column off, I'll give all you young wanna be pimps a lesson. One of the most stupid line of all time to say to a bitch. Well here it is "Girl, yo dad must be a terrorist, cause you da bomb." Oh that is so cheesy, if you should ever use that line, Sin gives the bitch you're using it on permission to shoot you in the fucking head. HA. Well this just in, we just found out one of the biggest conspiracies that is going on in the white house today.

I knew it, that motherfucker has to be the Dark Lord Sauron in disguise. The signs were there I tell you, with all this he wants to to war shit. But he it will be good for the economy so hey, he's got my vote. So I also heard that Sauron..........I mean Bush is planning on going to way by the time St. Patty's day rolls around. Looks like the colors of the Middle East will be red this year instead of green.

If you haven't by now check out The Watcher for upcoming movie release dates. Yes you'll be amazed at the bullshit sequels that are planned for the future, hey Sin got a laugh.

For the music industry as it goes, it seems that the DMX, Obie, and Eminem song "Go to Sleep" is hot as hell, and if you have been under the rock lately you need to check out the to Benzino diss's that Eminem put out. They're called "The Sauce" and "Nail in your Coffin" for those who don't know. But if you don't like him or rap in general, hey I'm sorry you read this paragraph, bitch.

Well I think this is going to be it for this day. Sorry this time it wasn't as long as usual, well no not really. But he come back next time and you may see more, or maybe not. But if you got any opinions or anything that you wish that I would speak on, then hit me back, the address is on the page, yes I want to here from you. But don't you even think about annoying me or anything, cause then you'll just be exactly what I said. A punk ass motherfucking bitch. So this is your boy Sin-motherfucking-Diesel. Yea As you can tell I went a little over the top with the out paragraph, but hey I 'm only doing this to take up some room peace easy.