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Shutterbug Members

Our Current Members and Their Awards.

Awards Key

Tan = Slides
Blue = Prints

Dr. Harry McMurray and Wife Pat

Harry McMurray is now the clubs longest standing member having joined the club in 1974 after its rebirth in 1973. Harry enjoys taking photos of scenic and nature, which he has been doing since he received his first camera; a Sears & Roebuck 620 as a small boy on his family farm near DuQuion, IL.  Harry later learned to develop black and white prints, and started developing for contract in his basement at the age of 14.  

 Harry became familiar with 35mm film during World War II, still using B&W film and a enlarger which was at the U.S.O. Harry and his friends had fun taking photos and developing them.  Harry's interest in photography was then side tracked by the advanced training he received while in the service, Medical School, Internship, and Private Practice.  It wasn't until 1962, that photography once again gripped Harry and became a great interest and part of his life. Harry contributes photography to the meeting of his wife Pat. Since 1962  Harry has accomplished being a former President of Central Illinois Camera Clubs Association and has received the Fellowship (FCICCA) Honor from CICCA. Harry is a 10 year member of P.S.A and the Shutterbug's P.S.A Representative.   Harry and Pat have three married children and seven grandchildren.  Their children reside in different areas of the country, therefore making photography a vital link in keeping in touch with them. 

Awards Received in 2001&2002 by Harry McMurry

Organization Acceptances Honors Best of Shows
Inter Club 36/2 16 5
CICCA 3 1  

Awards Received in 2001& 2002 by Pat McMurray

Organization Acceptances Honors Best of Shows
Inter Club    




Walter and Jeanette Camp

 Walter joined shutterbug in 1976. He first became interested in photography in 1925. He enjoys slide competition and club guest speakers.  His favorite photo subject is wildlife.  Walter belonged to the first photography club in Burlington in the late 1930's early 1940's.

Jeanette joined the club in 1982. She enjoys viewing the slide contests and travel logs put on by members.  Her favorite photo subjects are scenery, flowers and buildings. When her and Walter travel she likes to take prints to make photo albums while Walter is taking slides

Awards Received in 2001 & 2002 by Walter Camp

Organization Acceptances Honors Best of Shows
Inter Club 7 0 0

Awards Received in 2001&2002 by Jeanette Camp




Best of Shows

Inner Club    




Jim McMurry

Jim has been a Shutterbug member since 1982. He enjoys slide photography in all categories.

Awards Received in 2001 & 2002 by Jim McMurry

Organization Acceptances Honors Best of Shows
Inter Club      

George & Fern Helt

George has been a Shutterbug member since 1983. In 1949 he was taking pictures of weddings and has taken over 900 weddings since then. He has printed black and white pictures as a hobby for many years. George became interested in photography in 1930, when he bought his first "real camera".  George enjoys travel photography and club contest.

Fern joined Shutterbug one year later in 1984. Having become interested in photography in 1950, when she would tint the black and white photos George would take. Fern enjoys viewing the slides and photos shown during  club meetings and sharing in the fellowship of friends.  She especially enjoys the clubs contest.

Awards Received in 2001 & 2002 by George Helt

Organization Acceptances Honors Best of Shows
Inter Club 17 9 2

Glen and Lois Hultquist

Glen and Lois are both long standing members of Shutterbug.  Glen in enjoys all categories of photography, and participates in many competitions and Salons.  Lois enjoys pictures of all sorts and traveling to take pictures to share with friends and family.  She is also an excellent cook, having brought many tasty snacks to the club meetings.

Awards Received in 2001 & 2002 by Glen

Organization Acceptances Honors Best of Shows
Inter Club 1/1 1  

Jack and Marcia Gustison 


Jack & Marcia



Jack Gustison is one of Shutterbugs’ most outstanding members, having recently retired his position as Club’s President in August 2001, to marry his new bride Marcia. We welcome her as the newest member of the club. Jack enjoys taking photos of various topics and has taken several honors and awards at all levels. Jack also is instrumental in assisting in many of the clubs photographic learning sessions and seminars.  Jack is a member of the club's board of directors. Jack has been a member since 1984. He became interested in photography in 1950 and enjoys club contests and field trips. Some of his favorite photo subjects are travel, nature and scenic. Jack maintains a membership in the Great River Camera club of Muscatine IA, having become a member there in 1990. He is a former President of the Central Illinois Camera Clubs Association and has received the Associate-ship (ACICCA) Honor from CICCA.

Awards Received in 2001 & 2002  by Jack Gustison

Organization Acceptances Honors Best of Shows
Inter Club 21 20 13
CICCA 1 1  

Shirley White

Shirley has been a Shutterbug member since 1992.  Shirley has been and is currently the clubs President. Shirley enjoys taking slide and print photos of animals and flowers. Shirley has been awarded many honors and awards in various levels of competition.

Awards Received in 2001 & 2002 by Shirley White

Organization Acceptances Honors Best of Shows
Inter Club 11/1 3  

Trish Ditsworth

Trish has been a Shutterbug member since 1994.  She became interested in photography as a teenager, after her dad gave her, her first camera. Trish enjoys photographing wildlife, nature and scenic. Trish is currently the club’s treasurer.  Trish has taken many honors and awards both in slide and print photography. Trish won her first award in a K-mart photo contest and has wanted to learn more.  She is a pleasure to be with and an outstanding member.

Awards Received in 2001 & 2002  by Trish Ditsworth

Organization Acceptances Honors Best of Shows
Inter Club 6 1 0
CICCA 2    

Sarah Bissell

Sarah has been a Shutterbug member since 1994. Sarah enjoys taking photographs of wildlife and nature. She became interested in photography as a way to capture it. Sarah is currently the clubs Vice President and the former President of Central Illinois Camera Clubs Association, and has received the Associate -ship (ACICCA) Honor from CICCA.

Awards Received in 2001 & 2002 by Sarah Bissell

Organization Acceptances Honors Best of Shows
Inter Club 11/4 5/0 3/4
CICCA 3/2 2  

Lea Phillips

Lea Phillips is a long standing member of the Shutterbug Camera Club, she enjoys photography of all kinds, and enjoys participating in club competitions. Lea is currently the clubs Secretary.

Awards Received in 2001 & 2002 by Lea Phillips

Organization Acceptances Honors Best of Shows
Inter Club 2    

David Schultz

David is a fairly new member to Shutterbug. Having  joined in June of 2001. David enjoys taking photos of anything and is learning quickly various techniques and compositions. David is the clubs web site Webmaster, and newest member of the Board of Directors. David is also highly experienced in digital photographic and digital enhancements. We look forward to seeing many of his photos in the digital category.  David has also been appointed as a member of the Board of Directors for the Central Illinois Camera Club Association - CICCA.

Awards Received in 2001 & 2002 by David Schultz

Organization Acceptances Honors Best of Shows
Inter Club 4 2  
CICCA 1    

Charles Reed

No Photo


Charles joined Shutterbug in June of 2001.  Charles is a student at Southeastern Community College, studying Graphic Design and PC operations.  Charles enjoys photography of all kinds, and strives for perfection with each picture he takes.  Charles likes being creative and enjoys working with photography in combination with computer programs such as Paint Shop Pro 7.2 and Adobe Photo Shop 6.5.   We look forward to seeing many of his digital creations. 

Awards Received in 2001 & 2002 by Charles Reed

Organization Acceptances Honors Best of Shows
Inter Club 1/1    


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This site last updated on: 08/02/03                                    Return to top of Page

Created by: DNS E-Services - Member of The International Association of Web Master's and Designer's. dnschultz1965@hotmail.com 

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