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The Shutterbug Camera Club is a Non Profit Corporation and Organization of area members who are interested in all aspects of photography.  Be it black and white, color, digital, monochrome, slides or prints, our club offers something for everyone.  

The main purpose of our club is to provide an environment, where those who are interested in photography can come to share their ideas, thoughts, talents and photos with other local area photographers.

The Shutterbug Camera Club meets once each month in Burlington, Iowa at the North Hill Medical Center.  Meetings are set for the second Wednesday of each month and generally start at 7:00pm (unless otherwise posted).  The North Hill Medical Center is located at the corners of Sixth and Spring Streets in Burlington, IA. (view area map get directions).

The Shutterbug Camera Club services, most of Southeastern Iowa, to include the counties of Des Moines, Lee, Henry, Louisa, Washington, Jefferson and Van Buren.  We also service Hancock and Rock Island Counties in Illinois.

Shutterbug is made up of people from all walks of life.  Most are amateur photo enthusiast, yet we do have a few members who have made at least part of their living with photography and of course we are all happy to welcome the beginner.

Our club is interested in all types and styles of photography.  We have categories that range from General, Nature, Scenic, Wildlife, and more.........   We are looking to open the new digital category sometime in the near future.  Some of  the photos taken by our members can be seen on this site by visiting our Gallery.

Our History

The Burlington Iowa Camera Club was originally formed in the mid 1930's and started presenting some of it's first salons in 1938.  However, with the events of World War II, sometime in the mid 1940's. The club found itself somewhat demised.

The Club remained dormant until January 9th 1973, when Lyle Hutching, Jr., Jim Fullenkamp and Nancy Bauer reorganized the club and breathe life back in to the organization.  Nancy Bauer was elected as the club's first official President in that same year. 

Dr. Harry N. McMurray is now the clubs longest standing member having joined Shutterbug in 1974.

Photography enthusiast have been in the Burlington area for quite some time, and today the club (now known as the Shutterbug Camera Club of Burlington) has grown into a well known Not for Profit Corporation.  

The Shutterbug Camera Club is now a member in good standing with many other organizations, to include The Photographic Society of America (P.S.A), The Burlington Area Arts Council (B.A.A.C), The Central Illinois Camera Clubs Association (CICCA) and The North Central Camera Club Council (N4C).

N4C (North Central Camera Club Council) is an organization consisting of forty-two area clubs (much like Shutterbug) from 10 surrounding states.  Each month at the discretion of the club's N4C representative, many of the club photos are sent to the N4C regional competition.  

PSA (The Photographic Society of America) is the largest photographic organization in America today.  Their memberships includes numerous camera clubs, free lance photographers,  professional photographers, photographic supply companies, and more.

Photos (slides) maybe presented in various different categories, Pictorial, Nature, Contemporary, Photo-Journalism, and Photo-Travel are some just to name a few.  Color prints as well as black and white prints are also judged in most competitions.

The Shutterbug Camera Club is constantly growing and becoming stronger in it's community as well as in the photography world.  Many of it's members have won awards in some of the areas top competitions.  To view some of the winners and awards our club has received please visit our members page.

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This site last updated on: 08/02/03                                    Return to top of Page

Created by: DNS E-Services - Member of The International Association of Web Master's and Designer's. dnschultz1965@hotmail.com 

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