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i'm cool because i make things on the right side of the page

screw this side

this is just too fuckin formal, i'm not writing poetry here

it's just all about this side.
you got a problem with that? then leave.
ugh...this page already fuckin sucks
i can feel that it will turn out like my other shitty pages.
oh, and another by the fuckin way, i don't capitalize a lot, it's a pain in the ass
it's just completely out of the way, and i usually miss aND END UP TYPING LIke that
caps fuckin suck
i don't even capitalize "i" as you should already know
why, you probably don't ask, is because i am not important
i am no different from anyone else
shit, need another < thing
what the fuck
i didn't put that space there
oh, damn blockquote

i skip from thing to thing a lot
you probably have no clue what i mean by that
but neither do i
so just brush it off