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I have been composing music on a synthesizer (yamaha psr 550) for 3 years,on and off,and have "just started" with samples and computer recording.(a year ago) This was written:04/01/2008

Age:22 Country:Norway

My first computer songs with samples "New songs"

Conan Theme

Chuck & Gary Theme(two old men) UNFINISHED

Mandolin comedy idea

T-bane kidnapping

Voldtekt t-bane RAM problems from 00:33 to 00:37 :P

Politi på dør

Tam tam to trailer

Du skal dø

Intro Hevnen

End Credits Hevnen

Very old songs

True strike 1 percussion competition


Enemy Of The State mockup

6 years ago I started to design and draw my own web page,hoping to make a great looking web site one day... So that I could "sell" myself in the future as a composer,exposing my music to get music gigs.Trying to make a site that is going to be remembered so that I stand out from others and that they really want to click my songs to listen.The look I always had in my mind was: blue,clean,brushed metal and nice details.

The first and oldest web design

The second

The third...sharpening up

Starting to be something

today's in works web design