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[-PA-] .Pimp Ants. Official Disclaimer
By clicking "Enter" and proceeding to the [-PA-] Page , you are agreeing to abide by the following disclamier, and you acknowledge the fact that you are signing a verbal contract between yourself, and the [-PA-] administration.
The content on this site is meant for informational purposes. This is not an attempt to shield myself or the [-PA-] staff from legal threats, as this is our personal view towards the site. This site was created to inform the public of the [-PA-] clan. The information provided on this site is not illegal. Any abuse of any of the information provided on this site, is your own reponsibility and therefore lies in your own hands. By proceeding into this site, you acknowledge this fact, and therefore exclude [-PA-] staff from any legal threats or accusations. [-PA-] is aimed towards owning Ants.
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