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ADD2DATABASE Generates a database file of m-file help lines (H1 lines).


function add2database(varargin);


ADD2DATABASE  Generates a database file of m-file help lines (H1 lines).
   ADD2DATABASE adds m-files in the current working directory to the
   database m_files.mat.  This database file is used in the quick search
   program WHEREIS.  If m_files.mat does not exist in the same directory
   as WHEREIS, then it creates a new database for the whole matlab path.

   ADD2DATABASE OPTARGS passes optional arguments.  Multiple arguments can
   be passed in as a list of strings.  Valid arguments are:
       new        generates a new database file (m_files.mat) {pwd removed}
       -path      generates a new database file of m-files within the matlab
       -class     generates a new databsae file of m-files within the matlab
                  path and the class directories (default for new databases)
       -private   generates a new database file of m-files within the matlab 
                  path, class directories, and private directories
       -s         silent mode.  does not display the progress in command window
       DIRNAME    adds m-files in DIRNAME to the database m_files.mat
       -d DIRNAME deletes the entries from DIRNAME

   It may take several minutes to generate a new database, depending on
   the speed of the computer and the number of toolboxes, but this needs
   to be generated only once.

   When you update the database for a particular directory by running
   ADD2DATABASE, it will overwrite duplicate file entries, as well as
   delete entries of files that are deleted.

   NOTE: When you create your own script or function, follow the MATLAB
   convention of help text.  The first comment line (H1 line) should start
   with the name of your function (without .m) and a one-line description
   of your code.  This line is what gets stored in the database.  See the
   source code of any MATLAB functions for examples.

   See also WHEREIS

   Jiro Doke
   July 2004


This function calls: This function is called by:



Generated on Sat 12-Mar-2005 01:01:49 by Rezaul Karim © 2004