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..::andy reese::..

nc all the way. I LOVE YOU, AUDREY!!!

welcome to the official site of andy reese.

this site has... stuff.

my sns are andy reese 884, jamesreese884 and blinkman884. blinky out.


wow, just was down for like a month or two, oh well, it's back now... the counter is gone- my taylor is still nameless.... oh well, i taught myself jimi thang... you should go pick up the new wertz cd, 23 places... and dave just put out a new one too- Some Devil... i have yet to hear it- alright well, i'll be goin.. 8 months tomorrow. -andy


alright summer is winding down, its been a really excellent one, okay so like almost 6 months. my birthday is tha day after tomorrow. i got my taylor yesterday. its awesome.. i freakin love the thing.... so fingers are bleeding thats how much i've been playing it. i still have yet to name it. lol audrey and I have been naming out guitars... its like this:

audrey's custom strat - travis

my standard strat - bender

my spencer dread - piece of crap guitar i loathe but love at the same time.

and now my new one...i dont have a name for it.. so submit yer ideas! for what my guitar should be named. there's a picture of it at... . its a 110. i thought it looked like a Tim Hensel...but my mind is tellign me no... maybe a Gary? hahahahaha. lata. peace. -andy


wow its been awhile, i got sidetracked or soemthing like that. so yeah, 5 months now...aud got back like a month ago so that was totally awesome...summer gym kicks a whole lotta @$$, its a cool thing...i added that random photo cause... i dunno cause im cool and planes are cool so i thought it might make a good combination. lol jk, im psyched (there i said it) that david gray is comin here to indy at the end of ht emonth... i cant wait. i hope i actually get to go this time hahahah audrey lol. i dont really know what happened to my band... we kinda...havnt practiced our one song.... so the 59 from 6-9 am... lata. ~andy


new look for the site. a bit of a name change too i guess. i might get a table up if i want to. im a lazy sonfa so i doubt it unless i get really bored, which i prlly will so just hang on. first priority is the links page. playin more raquetball today.. raquetball is bitchin... im makin some fat cash at work, im just gonna buy a car when i have enough money... the guitar comes after that. well, later. it's been fun. -andy.

Listening to: premium blend is on tv, im hearin some dave matthews in the background... later much.


yo. today aud left for cali, she's gonna be gone for 11 days... its a real bummer man cause im gonna miss her, well i hope she's havin a good time. updated the site with a counter. i hope to have a links section soon and a guestbook sinage area. ah well, this page has been beaten and beaten to its death... its been a good time updating it. well, nc is gonna rock. dont forget to watch Fox59 AM. let us make your freakin morning. later.

listening to: nothing.... the bond music is on in the background right about now, my cousin's playin it. later.


hey guys, let me start off by sayin that i updated the people page with all new pictures of eastwood. sorry to those of you who liked the sycamore pics..they were taking up 2 much space. also, aud & i have been together for 3 months this past wednesday, it's really really great. i saw THE MATRIX 2 tonight, it was SO COOL...with all the whoosh and the WASH and the BANG i was liek.. woah.. it was so cool that i might actually see it again. alright well until we meet again. peace, reese. oh hey watch Fox59AM on monday morn, im gonna be down there LIVE on the circle from 6 am to 9 am. later.


Hey all, okay heres the low down, i got about 30 pictures...the only problem is that i lost my usb cord for the camera to computer alot of saurkraut. so i ordered a new one from teh comany, they say that its on the way, but as a relative of mine (i wont say who, for all intents and purposes lets call her Dealany) would say... "MEN!! ALWAYS LOOSING THINGS!!! WOMEN RULE THE WORLD!!! AHHH!!!" stupid liberal feminist sexist homo. feminism and nazism.... one and the same. alright well.. once that comes to my front door step delivered by, of course, a MAN...DEalany would be rolling in her grave had she been dead..since shes not shes rolling in ok nevermind. l8er. peace....reese.


MUCHO BUENO!!! CINCO DE MAYO!! yeah sorry bout that... been awhile since i've updated. my blonde friend mandie might be able to get some more pictures for my "people" page... i have like a ziltch amount of Eastwood people on there. dont take it personally, guys. so anyway...check that out in the next couple o'days...lucky charms to all. ach du liber! peace...reese.


hey again, i updated the shoutouts page a little bit... that's about it. jeff's party last night was alright, it was pretty good...even tho paul nick was.. well... being his normal self... yeh... i should have a party or something i dunno... jonathan's been pushin it. so's tom, i dunno.. i had to clean up the lawn today, it was borring as hell... hell must be pretty borring ya know? nehow, that's about it... i might be getting my martin next week, that'll be tizight. i cant wait till summer.. like one month of this left. well g2 run, peace... reese.


hey-eh, sorry for the low number of updates, or total lack there of. if you're waiting for one then keep waiting, this is just a post-it. (THOSE THINGS ARE SO COOL DUDE!!! WE STUCK THEM ON PEOPLE AT PURDUE haha) anyhow, heres a little info, audrey & i have been together 2 months this past monday, it's really great, and i am so lucky to just know you, aud! we're doin some field trip 2morrow or something.. i dunno... so many classes to choose from. it's this deal with n.c. ah who cares that's all... im gonna try to start blogging like some of the other sites you see... mine arent anything fancy... not like jeff's over at he has one phat layout, check it out. i heard today that the house was closin, that really sucks... it's a good place but all those ''bad kids'' started hangin out smokin, drinkin, and fighting. Wertz is comin next friday on the 26th, and neena will be at teh acoustic fest. a day b4 that on the 25th.. if some of you cant do the math (hey i make this site readable to all kinds of kyles... er.. people) jk kyle. well that's about it. blinky out

alright then. ill try this *stats* thing.

full name: andrew james riesmeyer
Age: 14.
marital Status: well im not married, but i love you, audrey.
location: under a rock.
Sex: Yes please...mhhhm yeah baby!!!... i got male...
School: Westsycawoodview Central. High.
Morals: none. jk... i thought that would be cool...its not? okay.
music for da mommy masses. dmb