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Big Brother 1

Big Brother one was much more
mellow then big brother two.
There wasnt alot of backstabbing
manipulation and deceit.
However it was fun and I loved all
the house guest!

I thought Brit was a little strange, a little too friendly
But she has a great personality and was alot of fun!

Cassandra was just a truley likable person.

Curtis could be a dweeb at times
but he was a sweetheart!

Eddie was a down to earth person
he said what was on his mind.
He was handsome and a great guy!

Chicken George...Everyone loved George!
He was annoying at times
But he made the show! he made me laugh.
my favorite moment was when
everyone voted to nominate him!

Jamie was nice, always seen with
her make-up and lip gloss!

Jordan was okay.
I wouldnt trust her though!


Sloshie Joshie...He was a cutie pie.
He was alot of fun!

Karen is a all around
great person, wonderful person!

Not much to say about Will.
I missed his departure and heard he was not well liked.

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