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New Projects

As of February 2009, I am now a published author! Huzzah! The anthology I'm a part of, called Voices of Survivors : Silent no more, survivors speak out, has been released and is now available at the R.A.P.E. Help Foundation and on Amazon as both a paper book and a Kindle document. My essay on how to get off the Survivor Pity Train and LIVE, titled When Thelma & Louise Grow Up, is about how severe weather, high school theatre, Riot Grrrl, "Weird" Al Yankovic, Burning Man and the Divine Feminine saved my soul. Sexual assault and abuse left me angry, shaven-headed and headache-struck for years, but when I realized I didn't need to let my demons move in and run the show (though it's perfectly fine to invite them over for a tea party every once in a while), everything changed. There are many delightful writers who have poured their hearts and souls into this anthology; check it out! 50% of the proceeds from all books purchased go to support Namid's R.A.P.E. Help Foundation.
We'Moon 2010!
A portion of my essay, called Fire in the Belly, was recently published by Mother Tongue Ink. It is available as a part of the 2010 We'Moon Datebook: Gaia Rhythms for Women, which can be found at many independent bookstores, as well as (hopefully) a few corporate ones for those of you living in an area without indie bookstores. If you live in an area with neither (or would just prefer your hard-earned money goes directly to the publisher!) the We'Moon Datebook can be ordered directly from Mother Tongue Ink here:
July 2010
Dogs on the Run, my first professional screenplay, has just won 3rd Place (Honorable Mention) in the Family category of the 19th Annual Woods Hole Film Festival! Thank you, judges!
August 2010
A documentary I associate produced, Seeking Happily Ever After, is making the festival rounds right now. Check it out at a theater near you!