PRR F3 A-B-A Diesel Locomotive Project (by Gary Mittner)

The Pennsylvania Railroad EMD F3 (PRR Class EH-15) Locomotives on this page are models of the USA TRAINS 1/29 Scale Models. These are not "stock models" as they first appear. This A-B-A set has been detailed and modified to more closely resemble the F3 Locomotives on the Pennsy Roster of the late 1940's early 1950 time period. The photos below are of "in progress" and "finished" models.

As with PRR Steam Locomotives, PRR Diesel Locomotives had their own unique appearences also. I tried to incorporate those features in my Models. First item very noticable on any early PRR Diesel is the Train Phone Antenna System. I scratch built one Antenna Mast and had the rest cast in a quality Resin by a manufacturer, (Trainstuff LLC) that works in this type medium. Another item modeled was the Lifting Lugs attached to the Nose of the A Units. Again, Resin was used for these parts.

The Pennsy also ordered their F3's with Passenger type Pilots. I modified the USA Freight Pilot to represent this type. I actually modeled several versions of this Pilot. The First is the version with the "Closed Coupler Door". The second is the Pilot with the Coupler Slot. A third version that represents the Coupler Doors in the opened position was also fabricated. (top photo)

On the rear of the unit I added what I call a "Buffer Plate" This plate has molded on Lift Rings. Simple design but adds alot to the sparce area. To make room for this part I removed the rubber Diaphragms from the stock models. The Pennsy removed these as well on the early units due to mechanical problems and fire hazards.

The most involved work on these models was the addition of the "Streamlined" Number Boards. USA Trains chose to model their F3's with the large "Bug Board" type. I wanted the earlier type. So to get the version I wanted, I had to disassemble the loco, remove the large Boards, fill in the resulting holes with putty and finish with lots of sanding.

Once all that work was done the need for a new paint job was tackled. The original USA Trains paint job was lost when all the modifications took place. No big deal, I am used to painting anyway so I went to work on a new finish. I used Floquil Poly Scale PRR Brunswick Green. It was the color I was after. I used Micro-Scale G Scale PRR Decals to complete the finish. These were modified a bit to more closely match the lettering and stripping found on PRR F Units.

I am pleased with the results of the finished Locos. With the future of G Scale Locomotives looking bright, I am hopeful to add many more to my roster, especially PRR versions.

PRR F3A #9543:

PRR F3B #9542B:

PRR F3A #9542: